Part #4

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Anthony Mayorga created a group chat

👥+ AnthonyMayorga added NickMayorga, AdiFishman and TalFishman

AnthonyMayorga: Yo, are you guys here? I have something to ask you all.

AdiFishman: Can it wait? I was just about to go in to the pool.

AnthonyMayorga: It's important

TalFishman: Important? Did I hear someone say important? I'm here bro.

NickMayorga: Do I need to get Mom and Dad?

AnthonyMayorga: No, it's not THAT important. I just have something I wanna ask you three

TalFishman: Well, we're all present and correct now bro. Ask away.

AnthonyMayorga: Tal, what did Adi tell you about Y/N?

NickMayorga: Oh, Y/N. I should have guessed... Where's the eye rolling emoji on this thing?

TalFishman: He just told me how you two met and what happened that's all.

AnthonyMayorga: Exactly what did he say?

TalFishman: He said that the two of you met at a mutual friend's party and the two of you got pretty close together. You caught feelings but something went wrong and Y/N just blocked any chances of anything happening so you ended up denying the feelings to protect her.

AdiFishman: Before you ask, that's what Nick told me. 

NickMayorga: I didn't go into full details and I only said it because of the way you acted when Y/N showed up at Emily's party.

AdiFishman: Yeah dude, I was pretty worried about you so Nick explained.

AnthonyMayorga: Well, I didn't even know Y/N knew Emily so I didn't have chance to prepare.

AdiFishman: Dude, she didn't know Emily. She came along with a mutual friend they both have. They haven't seen each other since.

AnthonyMayorga: That's nice to know.

TalFishman: If you don't mind us asking bro, what went wrong? What actually happened with you and Y/N

NickMayorga: Dude, you may as well tell them it all now. You know you can trust them.

AdiFishman: Yeah dude, we're your dawgs remember? Your home boys.

AnthonyMayorga: OK. But please to let Y/N know that I told you any of this. She's only just started talking to me again and she'll cut me off if she thinks I've been talking about her.

AdiFishman: You're talking to her!? Yo dude, that's some juicy gossip right there.

But we can save that for another time.

AnthonyMayorga: Like Nick said, me and Y/N met at a mutual friend's party. The moment I seen her I was instantly awe struck and started to get feelings almost instantly. Throughout the party I pulled my moves on her and all that stuff and I thought that we had something pretty good building. Then my jealous bitch of an ex started to work as a waitress at the same restaurant and the two became close. She realised Y/N was talking to me so she decided to try and "break us up" if you know what I mean. She set me up and made Y/N think that I was sleeping with her. Y/N found out and just broke down and stopped talking to me. When I bumped into her after a couple of weeks, I was quite harsh and told her that basically I never started to catch feelings in the first place. It broke her heart, I could tell. And it broke my heart to see her heart break but I had to protect her from anymore pain. I knew my ex wouldn't back off.

TalFishman: That is so bad! No wonder you didn't want Nick to add her to the GC

AdiFishman: And no wonder you were so upset when she turned up at Em's party.

TalFishman: I'm surprised she stayed in the GC tbh. I wouldn't have if I was her.

NickMayorga: I became quite close friends with her after her and Anthony stopped talking. She used me as a diary for a long time. Without giving away any secrets, my brother was probably the only reason she stayed in the GC

AnthonyMayorga: Don't start that again bro

NickMayorga: Why not? You know it's true

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