Chapter 7: Tikari

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 I knew that Kiba was probably right, but this was just what I always did. I work better when I don't have to worry about someone else. Like Uncle Asuma always told me, my teamwork skills could use some work, but when your abilities are considered classified, you avoid teams.

I peered around the edge of the rocky wall. There was no immediate movement or forms that caught my attention, but that didn't mean anything. These things could fuse with the nature around them.


I pressed a hand against the inner wall of the cave and began channeling my chakra. Nature was my specialty. My senses tingled all over the place. At least a dozen hostiles had found a home inside this cave and it wasn't that deep of a cave from what I could tell.

They're not dumb. They know we're out hunting them.

I took a peek back at Kiba and Akamaru. They were both ready to spring at a moment's notice. I used my free hand to signal to keep waiting as I continued to track the enemy with the other. I had to get them out of that cave, but I couldn't give them the chance of slipping through the rocks. I needed to be enticing bait.

"Hey I think I found a good place to camp for now," I called out. Kiba and Akamaru tilted their heads and I signaled to hide. "Will you guys grab some firewood?"

I shifted some seeds into my palm as I strolled openly into the cave. I acted like I was checking for a nice flat area, running my hand along the ground as I fished for their movements. They had made their way closer. Good.

"This should do." I smiled as I stood and walked back to the mouth of the cave. Kiba and Akamaru were nowhere to be seen.

Just stay put.

Three steps out of the cave, I stopped and stretched before twisting to get my back too. And they were right on time, all of them.

Flipping to the side, I cartwheeled out of their line of attack. A handful of them had morphed their arms into spikes that were now buried in the ground where I had stood. Rebounding off a tree, I shot into the smaller crowd, slamming my palms into three on my way through. Unaware of what I could do, they continued their assault. I danced around their attacks, waving myself close enough for more hits.

I landed horizontally above the cave's entrance as I scanned the crowd. Fourteen in total and through the chakra I was pumping into my feet, there weren't anymore in the cave. I leapt off as two began to slip into the ground.

"Fang over fang!" A pair of whirlwinds tore through their bodies as Kiba and Akamaru slid to a stop, "I don't think so."

I utilized his unwanted distraction and slapped three more in the chest. I planted my feet and flashed through my hand signs, "Mass Eternal Petal Seal."

The ten writhed toward me as I dodged. My breath came out ragged as I scanned for the remaining two. A kunai whizzed past my ear and embedded into a tree behind me. A groan sounded from impact.

I spun and ducked in time to dodge its incoming attack. Its body had half emerged, but it was enough for me to do my thing. Slamming the seed into its chest, I didn't wait to seal this one.

One to go.

My eyes danced through the garden of giant flowers I had planted. Kiba was at the other side, his nose twitching with Akamaru beside him. I crouched and jammed my hand into the soil, sending a chakra pulsing. My vision blurred slightly, but I ignored it.

"Shit!" I growled, ripping my hand from the ground as the pointed armed followed quickly after. I dodged, but felt the graze across my cheek. Whipping out a kunai, I began fending off his attacks. I prepared a seed in my hand and my vision wavered again.


I ground my teeth as I dropped down to go under him. His back would just have to do for the implantation.

"Eternal Petal Seal."

The world tilted this time as the White Zetsu spun for me. Its legs were already shifting into the stem, but it wouldn't be quick enough. I raised my kunai, hearing the clash but feeling no contact. I stayed half on the ground as Kiba stood over me, the Zetsu's weaponized arm against his kunai. Seconds later, just the giant chrysanthemum wavered in the breeze.

A sigh slipped through my lips as I lay on my back. I forced one more pulse from my body to make sure nothing else was around.

"It's all clear. I can't sense anymore." My voice was coming out choppier than I wanted. I hadn't realized how much the perimeter had taken out of me so far.

Kiba loomed over me as Akamaru walked over to join him, "Are you done being an idiot?"

"I was doing my job."

"Oh bullshit," he offered me a hand to get me up. I took it. Straightening myself up, I pulled free one of my chakra kunai.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kiba grabbed my wrist.

I sighed, "I was going to shred them to pieces to finish it."

"Akamaru." The large dog walked behind me before curling up into a ball. Kiba promptly pushed me down to lean against the over-sized pup. "You aren't doing a thing except resting."

I opened my mouth to argue, but stopped when I saw the look in his eyes. He was angry. I had never seen Kiba upset like this before.

Sinking into Akamaru, I leaned my head forward, "Okay."

He turned without another word, his knuckles white around my chakra blade.


oooooooo.....protective Kiba. But I did really enjoy playing around with Tikari's plant style. What do you guys think?

See you tomorrow with chapter 8!


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