Chapter 15: Tikari

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 "Tikari!" the little red eyed girl jumped up and down her arms above her head, "Carry me, carry me!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the wonder on her face, "Hang on. Let me get my shoes off."

Mirai waited impatiently until I scooped her up into my arms. I balanced her on my hip as I walked through the house.

"That's where you ran off to." Shikamaru stood in front of us, letting out a sigh.

I smiled, "Is she a little much for you, Big Brother Shika?"

Another sigh escaped as he rubbed the back of his neck, "She hasn't stopped since Kurenai dropped her off."

"Let's play!" Mirai squirmed around in my grasp. I didn't argue and let her down. As soon as her feet landed, she was zooming off the walkway and into the small yard.


"You didn't have to help me watch her on your vacation."

I studied the board as I absentmindedly ran my fingers through Mirai's short hair, "And you didn't have to volunteer to babysit on your day off."

"Fair." He made his move, taking one of my pieces.

"Besides, you know I don't get to see her or my brother very often." I let my eyes wander down to the sleeping girl in my lap.

"You know," I listened to the click as he moved another piece, "You can take days off without having us force you."

My shoulders relaxed as I studied the board, "I know. I hear it from Kakashi and you enough as it is." I shifted my rook across the board, "And Naruto tried to get on my case yesterday before I embarrassed him."

He raised an eyebrow, "How did you embarrass Naruto?"

"Long story short," I chuckled, "I told him that Hinata liked his ass the way it was."

Shikamaru tried to hold it in, but the laughter broke through his clenched lips. A few sounds escaped me as I tried desperately not to disturb the small figure using me as a pillow.

"Man, I can see his face now."

"It was priceless."

"Was that why he was waiting outside the Hokage's building for her yesterday?"

I nodded, "I got on to him for not seeing her since you guys got back from the moon."

Mirai stirred in my lap. I signaled for Shikamaru to give me a minute as I gently lifted her and moved her to the cushion and blanket that he had brought in earlier.

He waited until I settled back into my seat to make his next move, "Speaking of seeing people, have you stopped by to visit anyone else?"

"I hadn't thought about it," I shrugged as I kept my eyes on the board.

Shikamaru stopped reaching for his next piece and rested his hand in his lap, "Tikari."

"Please don't lecture me." I sighed. "I know what you're going to say. But it isn't fair to everyone else if I'm just to disappear again."

"Then why are you at my house right now?"

I tilted my head a little as my facial features relaxed, "You're different. I see you all the time and you know who I am behind my mask. Besides, I wanted to see the munchkin."

He took the move he had been planning, "So then why did you see Naruto?"

"He knows like you do. And I've been watching over him so long, I couldn't break that reflex if I tried."

"Still Tikari,-"

"Shikamaru, please don't try to change my mind." I sighed, "I won't go out of my way to avoid anyone, but I'm not going to force my way back into their lives to disappear again."

He locked eyes with me and I stopped for a moment. Those usually thoughtful, half-dazed eyes were staring into mine intently.

"I'm not worried about everyone else." I stated plainly, "It isn't fair that you don't get to see them normally and now you're ignoring what you want in favor of what you think is best for everyone else."

I shifted my gaze back to the board. This match was his, I could already tell.

"Stop worrying about the others and take care of yourself while you're off this month." A sigh escaped him and he seemed to shift back into his more relaxed self, "If not, I will have Kakashi extend your time for another month."

"You wouldn't." I shifted a pawn.

He countered with one of his own, "Do you want to test that theory?"

"Hell no."

There was a moment of silence before we both let out a chuckle. It felt good to just sit here like old times.

"I think Naruto's rubbed off on you."

I pointed a finger, "I was going to say the same thing to you, Mr. Worry About Yourself. I should honestly make him start paying me everytime he says that."

"Go for it," Shikamaru added. "Tell him it's for a trip to the hot springs or something and he'll go right for it."

I squinted at him, "You are an evil mastermind."

"So I've been told," he jumped his knight. "And checkmate."

A sigh left my lips as I handed over the pieces I had managed to take from him as he did the same. Though I was better at this than my uncle was, it was still rare for me to be able to beat Shikamaru. Another sigh escaped my lips; maybe he was right about the other stuff too.

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