Chapter 16: Kiba

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Akamaru had far too much energy to focus on training today. Or maybe that was his plan from the start as I threw the ball across the training ground again. I sighed as I watched him happily panting out of sight.

He's probably trying to distract me.

He always had a way of knowing when I needed to stop thinking about things and that is all he's been trying to do since yesterday afternoon. On cue, Akamaru's happy bark echoed off the nearby trees as he charged at full speed toward me.

"Wait a minute!" I yelled before I was plowed over. The ball bounced off my forehead before a very wet tongue ran over both of my cheeks furiously.

"Down boy!" I called as I pushed my hands into his massive chest. He continued for a few more seconds before stepping off to the side. He sat and watched me as I sat up.

I pulled the hem of my shirt up to dry my face, "Seriously buddy? You know your breath doesn't smell the greatest."

He yipped happily as his tail wagged. He had gotten me to grin. I ruffled the fur on his chest, "You cheeky bastard."

"If anyone else talked to animals like that, some would say they were crazy."

Akamaru and I turned as a figure stepped out of the treeline off to the right.

"Hey Shino." I greeted him, "What are you up to?"

He walked over and offered me a hand, "I thought I would see if you had heard that Tikari was back."

My heart skipped and I unconsciously squeezed his hand as I got back on my feet.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Yeah," I nodded, "I saw her yesterday for a few minutes."

He just stared at me, "You didn't say anything, did you?"

Akamaru barked as he watched our conversation. I turned, "Thanks traitor."

In a single motion, his ball was off the ground and soaring through the trees. He sped off as fast as he could get on all fours.

"We talked for a few before she left to go visit the Third and Asuma." I explained. "I didn't want to intrude."

A hand rested on my shoulder, "What else is bugging you?"

"Shino, I'm fine."

He didn't move. I snuck a glance over my shoulder and caught him just watching me. "Kiba."

I rubbed the back of my neck, stepping to the side, "You're almost as bad as Akamaru."

Detecting his name in the air, my furry best friend came charging back toward us with his ball. He offered it and I threw it again.

Why did I think this would help clear my head?

"I also wanted to make sure you knew about the party tomorrow night."

My forehead wrinkled as I questioningly narrowed my eyes, "What party?"

"Apparently Sakura and Tikari are planning something to celebrate Naruto and Hinata finally becoming a couple."

I couldn't help but break out in laughter at the thought. Hinata was going to be as red as Akamaru's rubber ball and Naruto wouldn't be much lighter. "Oh this is something I have to see."

"That's why I told Tikari that I would tell you if I saw you before she did."

My heart skipped again.

Stop that.

I gave him a smile as I turned to chase after Akamaru, "Well thanks. I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then."


I stopped.

"I can say something if you want me to."

My heart jumped into my throat, but I swallowed hard to force it back down. "You don't have to say anything. There's nothing to say."

His expression softened, but I didn't give him a chance to say anything else.

I will figure this out later. Just have to clear my head right now.

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