Chapter 9: Tikari

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 "With how I have split this area, each pair should take a full day in each section. If you think it's clear and it's not sunset, check it again." I explained. "Keeping to these sections we should also stay close enough to be suitable aid to each other if another large group of White Zetsu become apparent."

The three and pup all nodded in agreement.

"This should take three days. We will meet up at the center of the zone so that I can do a final sense before bedding down for the night. I will conduct one more check before we head back for home the following morning. Any question?"


I hadn't expected there to be any questions. What I wasn't expecting was the cold shoulder that Kiba seemed to be giving me. Was he still mad about yesterday? Should I care? I'm his commanding officer right now, I should be happy that he was paying close attention to our surroundings. But as a friend,....oh I don't know.

Against my better judgement, I asked, "You alright this morning?"

"Yeah," he snapped from his thoughts. "Why?"

"Nothing. You just seemed more thoughtful than usual."

But do I know what usual is for him anymore?

I hadn't really been around him since my granddad died. A part of me was still seeing him and Naruto and the others as kids, fresh out of the academy. But that thought was becoming more and more blurred. Naruto had saved the world and brought Sasuke home. And after Kiba's little outburst yesterday, I guess I was seeing that he had grown as well, and not just taller than me.

"It's nothing."

I stole a glance over my shoulder, "I'm sorry if you're still mad about yesterday."

"No. I'm not mad about that."

A relief washed over me as I felt something grip my ankle. I had no time to respond as my momentum swung me around the tree branch. I kicked my other foot up toward what I could now feel was a hand. Stealing a glance, I watched the fingers smash under the force of my kick before they released me for the fifteen foot plummet. I flipped to land on my feet, not even fully standing as I scanned the area around me. I hadn't even sensed him and the others hadn't smelled him.

Kiba landed with his back to me, "You good?"

"Fine," I growled slightly as I pulsed my chakra through my hand into the ground. Three, two in the tree I had just freed myself from and one further ahead where Kiba was facing. I relayed this as I quickly did some hand signs. I slammed my hand down, "Plant Style: Fissuring Splinter."

The tree cracked up from the ground and began falling in half as the two White Zetsu sprang free. I pulled out a chakra blade with seeds ready in my other hand.

"You two be ready for the third."

I didn't wait for his response before charging. To my surprise, one of them moved up to meet me. It transformed both arms into almost club like shapes as he began swinging. I shifted defensively as I gauged for my best opening; my eyes shifting over to the other one, but it wasn't there.


There was no time to wait as I let the one I was fighting graze my check as my palm slammed into its chest. The force shoved me back a few feet as the sound of more fighting sounded behind me.

"Eternal Petal Seal."

I spun around, scanning the area. Akamaru was standing up against a tree about thirty feet away as Kiba was hand-to-hand with the one I lost. They were going blow for blow, leaving no clean path of me to interfere.

Work as a team. Trust him.

Akamaru was moving toward his owner and I forced myself to look away. Where was the other one I sensed? I slammed another pulse through my hand as I jammed it into the ground.

You are the sensory partner, he is close-combat.

My heart skipped a beat as the other presence reappeared quickly. I ripped my hand free and started hand signs.

"Kiba, move!" I shouted as I smacked both palms on the ground, "Plant Style: Entanglement."

Vines erupted from where his feet had just been as Kiba launched himself to the side. The Zetsu he was fighting became encased in the mess of nature as another was forced from the ground where it was trying to appear behind the distracted Kiba. I slid over and slapped a pair of seeds into them before completing the seal.

"Thanks Tikari," he stepped up behind me and smiled.

I nodded as I caught my breath. I pulled free one of my chakra kunai and offered it, "You can handle the rest, right?"

A surprised smile crossed his lips as he took the blade, "Always."


I think I'm feeling a double update tonight! Hope you all are enjoying this so far.

See you soon,


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