You're Not A Human!

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                                                                  Italics are thoughts                           

                                                                    MRS. YUU'S P.o.V.

          I was on my way to JYP Entertainment with little Hannah asleep on my shoulder. We walked in at the front desk and the lady sent us to Jin-Young's office. I knocked and spoke, "Hello, It is me Yuu Ha-Rin and Kang Hannah! May we enter?" I heard a clear yes through the door, so we entered. "Hello Mrs. Yuu- Is that little Hannah asleep on your shoulder? She is just adorable!" I laughed at his statement. "Yes she is adorable isn't she?" We both nodded in agreement. "Okay lets get straight to business. While little Hannah is asleep is there any questions you would like answers to?" I thought for a while. He said a rookie group huh? How many are in the group. It could be hectic if a little girl had to deal with a lot of people at once. Then again if she warms up to them in the time they have to bond with her, it'll be fine. "Ah, yes I have one question so far, how many are there in the rookie group?" 

        "Good question! There used to be nine, but one member left the band leaving eight. They aren't bad kids though. They are kind and somewhat well mannered." He chuckles at the last statement. "Is that really all? Any more questions?" I think for a while. I trust him. The group seems like a good fit for little Hannah. "No, I have no more questions. I trust you plenty with her." He smiles. "Okay just sign this. This only says that if she is adopted by Stray Kids, you can't tell anyone the true reason you chose to let them adopt her. I don't want anyone starting any drama saying bad things about you when they don't have the whole story down pack. Okay can you please wake up little Hannah for me." I look down at her and shake her lightly and tell her to wake up.

                                                                       KANG HANNAH'S P.o.V 

      I wake up to Mrs. Yuu shaking me. "Good Light-time Mrs. Yuu" I look around the room and I don't remember coming here. I see a man sitting across from me at a desk. "Mrs. Yuu? M'sorry but is he the man from the cake store I got the yummy cake from?" They both laugh at me. "Yes I am the man from the café. I am here with your care taker today to see if you want to do something fun with a band?" 

      "A band? What's that? Is that like one of those weird stretchy things Mrs. Yuu puts on her spare index cards?" They laugh at me again. What am I doing wrong? "No sweet heart!" Mrs. Yuu says while laughing. The man starts to speak, "A band is a group of people who perform and write music for other people to listen to." That makes sense. "Oh like the group Twice? I really, really, really, REALLY like their songs. My favorite ones are Cheer Up and Fancy!" He looks at me amusedly. "I'm taking that as a yes you would like to participate, huh little one?" I nod my head ferociously. 

      The man looks at Mrs. Yuu then to me and says, "With her approval, you can come back to this building in one week. Wear something cute as well. You will be on international T.V. The band debuted a little around three years ago. They are real nice too." I just can't wait! This is gonna be so much fun!

                                              Little Bitty Time Skippy to 1 week later

    I wake up and run to Mrs. Yuu's room, "Today is the day! THE DAY HAS COME!! Wake up we have to go NOW!" She wakes up and smiles, "Well what are you waiting for? Let's get dressed already!" I ran and put on a little flower dress and matching bloomers with flats. We walk out our rooms at the same time and she puts my hair in two French braids. I grab a stuffed frog and we walk out of the orphanage together.

     We made it to the building and went to the pretty desk lady. "Mornin' desk lady!" She simply smiles at my greeting and tells us which room to go to. Before we make it to the elevators, I yell "Bye pretty desk lady!" She laughs and waves good bye. We get up to floor five and we walk down the hallways while I count the doors we pass up. When I count up to door seven, We stop at a door that leads to a tiny room with two boys sitting on the floor. One looks around my age while the other is a tiny baby. I sit down and start to play with them. We are starting to laugh and play around when two strange people walk in the room. One being slightly taller than the other. One has pink hair and the other has brown. We look at them to see what they are going to do. they kneel down to our size and start introducing themselves. The one with pink hair says his name is Felix crawls over to me. I just watch him to see what he is trying to do. He grabs an alligator plush toy and starts to wave it in front of me. I just stare at him. He places the toy down, and starts to pay attention to the other kids when he realizes he's not getting anywhere with me.

        Next, the brown-haired boy who calls himself Bang Chan approaches me. He presses a button on an animal sounds toy and copies it. "Meow" I giggle and he looked surprised. He presses different buttons and we both try to mimic them. The others join in and we all laugh and play together. Felix starts to talk in a weird voice to me as well. "I heard you like listening to weird voices. Do you like mine?" I roll around over flowing with lots of laughter. "You are silly! How do you do that. I can't do that. Your hands are almost smaller than mine as well! I have a diagnosis!" He chuckles and looks at me face covered in confusion. "And what is it doc? What's wrong with me?" I laugh and say, "You're not a human Felix!" we all laugh at my weird diagnosis. 

                                                         We then hear a knock at the door. 

   CHALLENGE:  Name kpop songs that start with F.

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