Not By The Hairs On My HyunJinnie Jin Jin

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You couldn't help but stare as two other people walked- more like crawled in through the door. But both of them weren't crawling, one was seemingly riding on the other person's back as the other was crawling. It looked odd. You wanted to see how Taewoo and Daejung reacted, and they seemed to do the same. The male who was on top stood up with a dejected look on his face. "Hyung! I thought you said this would work! You see how irritated they look! You ruined our reputation with children! How dare you! You'd make a terrible father with these stupid ideas!" The person said while crossing his arms. You started laughing at the weird tall male.

"Hey you! Mr. Delgado! He didn't mean to not make us laugh! It was on accident!" You argued to the male. They both looked with confusion written all over their faces. "Delgado?" The shorter male asked. "Yes Mr. Bajo. His name is Mr. Delgado and you are Mr. Bajo." You said as if the nicknames should be obvious to the two males.

"I don't know what you mean. Why do you call me Mr. Bajo and him Mr. Delgado?" Mr. Bajo asked confused.

You laughed at their stupidity. "Its spanish duh." They looked at each other confused. "What do you mean it's spanish? How many languages do you even know? What do the names mean? How old even are you?" Mr. Delgado asked. "I am four. What do you mean "what do you mean it's spanish? What is a language and that's all the questions I remembered." The smaller male laughed. Taewoo started to feel left out and began crying. DaeJung began to lose patience and chase after Hyunjin. Honestly it was a hilarious sight. You and Mr. Bajo were laughing, Mr. Delgado was running away from DaeJung who was chasing him with an alligator plushie in tow. All while Taewoo was sitting down crying. You got tired of laughing and hearing Taewoo cry, so as a solution to both problems, you walked to Taewoo and picked him up with your tiny bony arms and rock him from side to side, all while picking a piece of his baby cracker. You held it to his mouth, and he stopped crying and ate it. The two males cooed at your cuteness and DaeJung got mad at the lack of attention.

"You still haven't told us what our names mean yet." The shorter male said impatiently, remembering the previous conversation she had with his dongsaeng. "Oh yeah! You are Mr. Bajo which means short and he is Mr. Delgado which means thin." She said happily as the child in her arms was finally not crying. You handed Taewoo to DaeJung because your arms started to ache, and also to prevent him from harming Mr. Delgado any further.

"How about we introduce ourselves, seeing as we haven't done that yet." Mr. Bajo said, not fully liking the meaning of his nickname. "Alright! I'm Kang Hana and I'm 4!" You said counting out four fingers and holding them up. "I'm Seo Changbin and I'm older than you!" He said bending down to boop your nose. Next Mr. Delgado spoke up. "I'm Hwang Hyunjin and I am older than you but younger than him." You then looked extremely confused.

"How is it that Changbinnie is older than Hyunjinnie but Hyunjinnie is taller than Changbinnie?" Hyunjin laughs at the odd comparison of the both of them, but warily agrees with the statement. "HEY NO HEIGHT COMPARISONS ALLOWED!" Changbin yelled playfully.

"You know Hyunjin your name reminds me of the three little pigs. "Not by the hairs of my Hyunjinnie Jin Jin!" Doesn't it sound the same?"

Soon the door opened and all the other people and the older man Mrs. Yuu met earlier walked in too. "We have a preposition to make."

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