I'll Tell My Grandchildren

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Chan was running with Hana in his arms, toward Dr. Oh's office. His blood had plenty adrenaline pumping to the point where he didn't notice anything happening. Even Changbin managed to catch up with Chan, even with the giant child in his arms. Once again, the once normal day had been turned into utter chaos. It wasn't very surprising to say the least. 

"Dr. Oh said to go into room 305!" Han shouted, only beginning to run out of breath. Everyone was fired up, well except for Hyunjin of course. He was still sulking over the waste of shower he took, and he was right to stay in the house. Of course, none of them would admit he was right. That's just how they were. He wasn't complaining though. He could even use this for future reference.


They eventually had made it to the small clinic located near the JYPE building. They ran into the building, going into the correct room, using the elevator as breaks to catch their breath. They had ran over four blocks for this child. 

When they walked in, Dr. Oh was standing there ready to help the child. He had thought the child was in terrible condition by the way they were yelling into the phone, screaming at him, telling him to hurry as they were only around the corner. By around the corner they meant, a couple blocks away. Dr. Oh picked up the girl and sat her onto the bed. She only had three consecutive scratches that were parallel to each other, matching a tiny rodents claw. As he was wiping the girls cheek, disinfecting it using a alcohol wipe, he asked, "What exactly happened for you all to rush in here with a random child with scratches on her cheek and a slight bruise on her knee?"

"Wait there is a bruise? I didn't even see that! Did any one of you see that! I could have sworn there were only scratches!" Chan said, worried about how childish and irresponsible they were being for the child to get hurt like this. He was scared to say the least. The first day they had Hana, she gets scraped in the face by squirrel paws, and falls backward out of a tree.  Not the best of luck, nor the best reputation to have with children. He could see it now. "Stray Kids watches a kid no older than five years old climb up a tree and fall out of it!" He felt really irresponsible. 

"Lesson one of parenting-" says Dr. Oh with a smile, "Don't freak out about what's happening in the moment. Clear your head and try your best to grasp the situation without losing your mind." They all watch carefully and correspondingly making the "Ooooh" sound while taking mental notes.  

Dr. Oh gently grabs Hana's face in his large, cold, calloused palms and wipes away the blood on her cheek using a hydrogen peroxide cleansing wipe. She jumps away at the sensation, the tingling and stinging hurting her cheek too much for her liking. "Owie owie!" She wiggles her head around and hisses at the feeling. "Ah ah ah little one. Don't move! It may seem like it hurts, but you are just anticipating the pain, not feeling it. Don't anticipate it, and you won't feel it. Breathe in and out, you won't feel a thing." Dr. Oh says with a slight smile in a calm gentle voice. 

Hana does as told breathing in and out exaggeratingly. Since she is too busy trying to breathe in and out, she doesn't seem to focus on the pain, causing her to stay still so the gentle giant doctor can clean and examine her facial wound. 

"It's not deep at all boys. Don't worry, a simple bandaid will do." Dr Oh. says while sticking a safari themed plaster over her cheek, fully covering the wound. "and the knee, I made that up of course" He says with a large grin on his face. "The skin of the knee darkens whenever your leg is fully straightened. I thought you would've caught on but you didn't."

"Ha! He tricked you Chrissy! You got tricked! You are, what's the word? Vulnerble? Vul-Vul?"

"Vulnerable" Felix said, catching on to the english word that he hadn't learned until he was reading a Judy Moody book back in the 5th grade.

"Ahh thanks pixie Lixie!" Hana said with a smile.

"I'll tell my grandchildren about this. That I got scratched by a squirrel. And it was cute too! And a doctor tricked Chrissy! And that I was a big girl! And I didn't cry! But I almost did! But I didn't!" Hana rambles on in excitement about the days adventure.

"Boy she's a talker" said Dr. Oh, his grin still hung on his face. "Indeed she is. Thank you Dr. Oh. You are the best." Chan said with his well known cheeky smile, dimples revealing themselves.  "Anything for my boys"

"Will you guys still be around when I have my grandchildren? I want at least like- A bajillion of them! I'll name them after you guys! Do I get to name my grandchildren? I wonder where grandchildren come from-" Hana continues to ramble, getting cut off by Changbin. "Aaaand that's enough for today" He says quickly, knowing all too well where the conversation is eventually gonna lead to. 

"Yeah we'll be heading off now, see you later Dr. Oh!" Chan says waving at the giddy doctor. Felix and Jeongin were too busy laughing at the situation at hand. They wanted the conversation to continue, wanting to know how their hyung would answer the question that was about to be asked.

Jeongin, being the only one with enough courage to ask, goes on ahead and asks it, not worrying slightly about how it would end. "But hyuuuunngg~ I wanna know where grandchildren come from"

"Yeah! Where do they come from?"

Four sets of eyes were delivering death glares to the now second youngest, three sets of eyes about to cry from laughter, one set of eyes looking curious at the short male who so happened to have one of the set of eyes that was giving a strange look to Jeongin, and one pair of eyes, slowly beginning to regret his not so well thought out decision. 

AN: Sorry for such a late update- Life has been getting it's revenge on me, and I haven't been really productive. I'll try to get back on track. Bye for now, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Challenge: Name songs that start with X!

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