The Squirrel Incident

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That video up there^ ummm can you watch it and tell me if I should watch it? I'm worried cuz all the stuff that comes on my feed sometimes isn't as funny as people make it seem. thx, and on with the chapter you goooooooo........



Nobody's P.o.V

Eventually, Mrs. Yuu had to leave and pack up for her to move to attend college overseas. She couldn't adopt you herself, she didn't have enough money to take care of you on her own, and it hurt her to leave you, you were like a daughter to her. Everyone was clueless on what exactly to do now that Mrs. Yuu was gone and you were starting to become very antsy. While five of the boys just sat there looking confused as ever, one Hyunjin left to take a shower, and you had no idea where Han had gone. 

You were starting to get, antsier and antsier by the minute. You were thinking random thoughts, and sitting in the most ridiculous positions on the couch. At this point in time, you were sitting upside down on the couch, with your legs on the back rest. Five minutes into your wild thoughts, Han joined you into sitting in the odd position, sitting right next to you. Then Minho, Felix, Jeongin, and Hyunjin came out of the shower with some sweats and a t-shirt on, and did the same. 

The couch managed go hold eight of you, in that odd position. Changbin decided to snap a photo, while you all were spaced out, upside down on the couch. It was truly an adorable sight. After around fifteen minutes in that position, your faces began to turn red in color. When Chan saw this, he swiftly got up and threw decorative pillows at everyone, swiftly urging all of you to sit correctly. He felt like a single father with eight children.

"We gotta get out of here, I am tired, Hana Banana is antsy, we gotta do something other than look dumb." Han said, also getting bored of the atmosphere. All of them nodded in agreement, but one groaned.

"I just took a shower though. Do we really have to go out right now?" Hyunjin complained. "Yes we do, and nobody told you to take a shower right now" Han said in retaliation. Eventually, Hyunjin agreed, and you all put on your shoes, and began to walk out the door, only to be stopped by Chan. 

"Hey Hana, can you put on this mask for me? I know it seems uncomfortable, but you need to wear it." Chan said crouching down to get into your line of vision. You looked at the contraption in front of you. It was black, with a little kitten nose and mouth on it. It was cute to say the least.

"Yeah hold on! Lemme get something first." You said while slipping your shoes back off and running into the living room to get something.

You came back out with a Unicorn headband, and slipped it on. You slipped back on your shoes, with a little help from Felix, and put on the mask.

"I'm a Unikitty now! Tadaa!" 

They looked at the tiny girl in front of them and awed. It was adorable. Chanbin snapped another quick photo to save the moment, and they all walked out the door.

As they were walking down the sidewalk, Hana saw a bird, about the size of a small toy, and payed a close attention to what sound the bird made, deciding to try and mimic it. 

"Tweet tweet!!" she yelled at the bird, drawing the other's attention to the small bird. They laughed at the sight, and Han decided to entertain her a bit. 

"Hey Hana, can you speak to the ducks over there?" he said while pointing ahead at the duck pond in front of him. 

"Quack Quack!" She said, mimicking other animal. 

"What about that pigeon?" He asked again, wondering if she was going to say the same tweet tweet she said earlier.

In a lower voice she spoke "Tweet Tweet"

This caught Felix's attention, and he lowered his voice as low as possible, and spoke, "I don't speak that tweet tweet." 

This caught the groups attention, and they made it into a game. Who ever mimicked the animal someone names, get to chose someone to mimic an animal of their choice. This went on for a minute, and Minho chose Hana.

"Hey Hana? What about that squirrel right there?" He said pointing a finger up into a tree. 

"Eye! EYE! EYE!" She said. To be honest, it was the worst squirrel impression they ever heard. They all burst into laughter at the terrible sound, and Hana's ego went through the roof. She wanted to make them laugh even more. She ran to the tree the squirrel was in, and began to climb it, all while screaming her terrible impression. 

The squirrel, not knowing how to react to the situation, ran towards her, squeaking God knows what, probably even cursing the child out in squirrel-ese. The squirrel, scratched her in the face, causing her to fall back, off the tree, screaming.

Chan ran over to the tree, fortunately catching her bridal style in his arm. The girl began crying due to the pain that spread rapidly over her face. She was in shock and in pain, and the boys had lost it. Chan just started running to the nearest doctor in his memory, Han having some sort of telepathy with Chan, began to call the number of the exact same doctor Chan was running to, yelling exactly what happened to the child ino the phone, Jeongin was standing there in shock, and Changbin picked him up and took off running with Jeongin over his shoulder.

There was one word to accurately describe the situation.


Never Chan's life he thought that he would be running with a crying four year old in his arms because she got scratched across the face by a squirrel. They don't even know if the squirrel had rabies or not. They all felt scared. Their adrenaline coursing through their veins. They felt as if they were superhuman. Any other day, Changbin would not have lifted up the maknae who is probably taller than himself. Even if Jeongin was taller than him, he'd never admit that.

No one was calm. No one was thinking. No one was ready for this to happen. Hyunjin's shower was now a waste of water. 

They should have stayed home.

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