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By the time I awoke, the sun had climbed the light grey sky, lingering close to the middle of it. My torso shot out of bed, my bare body now sitting upright as I looked beside me. The bed was completely empty, spare for the clothing folded and placed beside me. Boxers, shirt, hoodie, pants. They were all mine. My eyes examined the floor, seeing no trace of my midnight lover. Immediately my thoughts picked up, panic rushing through my system. Thoughts of betrayal flooded my head, believing that my 'teammate' had simply loved and left. I couldn't have been sure of anything though, so I called for him, part of me believing he was gone.

Though when Tord came back into the room holding a tray with a porcelain plate and a mug, I couldn't say I was disappointed.

"Is everything ok? Are you hurt?"

A smile grew on my lips, my head shaking lightly.

"No I was just worried. Where were you?"

"Well I wanted to make breakfast, but the floors here are wooden so I couldn't make a fire. Then I looked around the hotel and found a kitchen. They even had enough ingredients that weren't destroyed to make pancakes."

Tord lifted the tray slightly, allowing me to get a good look at the fluffy bread stack on the plate. The smell of the pancakes hit me, my mouth slightly watering before Tord lowered the tray again.

"What's in the mug?"

"The kitchen didn't have a working fridge, so I couldn't use milk. I just poured some orange juice in there. It's better than water."

My cheeks dusted over again with a light pink, a stupid grin overtaking my face.

"You really didn't have to do any of this-"

"Oh please. I wanted to treat you right after last night... You're not allergic to oranges, are you?"

A light chuckle left my throat as I shook my head, eyes fixed on Tord. He walked up to the bed, reaching over and handing me the tray. My lower half was completely covered by the blanket, yet Tord seemed hesitant to sit down next to me.

"Is something wrong?"

Tord rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, looking off into the corner of the room. He cleared his throat before answering, my food remaining untouched. I had no appetite until I found out what was troubling my counterpart.

"Because of what happened last night... What are we?"

I lifted my arm and looked at it, acting as if I had never seen it before.

"Last time I checked I was human. Who knows. That could've changed last night."

Tord gave a light chuckle, letting his arm fall to his side.

"I mean relationship wise. What are we now?"

My eyes wandered down to my food, watching the steam rise and dissipate.

"I'm not sure. I'd think we're more than just friends by now, right? Or was that a one time thing?"

Tord widened his eyes at the question, words choking up in his throat.

"I-if you want it to be a one time thing I understand-"

"Tord, if I wanted it to be a one time thing I wouldn't still be naked."

My comment brought his attention to the lack of clothing I had on, a bright red blush spread evenly over his cheeks.

"But a relationship is a two way street, Tord. It's your call."

I could see his eyes soften as he smiled, walking closer to the bed and sitting in the empty spot beside me. He cupped my cheeks with his hands, bringing his face close to mine as I closed my eyes. The familiar feeling of lips placed on mine was back, my hands slipping off the tray and wrapping around Tord's head, pulling him closer to me.

Our lips melted together, my hands trembling slightly. The feeling of having someone else so close to me was invigorating, our kiss broken to take panting breaths.

"Is it crazy to love someone you only met 6 days ago?"

We smiled sweetly at each other, the answer already clear. Giggling, I kissed my new lover's cheek, turning to face the food he had made for me. The pancakes were obviously cooled down, but after last night I needed my energy levels back up. Taking the fork and knife, I carefully cut out a piece of pancake, bringing it to my mouth and placing it on my tongue. Different flavours swirled in my mouth, the taste and texture combining to create an amazing sensation. After eating canned foods for so long, anything warm would've tasted delicious in my mouth, but this breakfast sent me over the top, my eyes closing and a breath leaving my lungs in relief. When I swallowed the first bite, I opened my eyes at Tord, a smile wide and heartfelt on my lips.

"Tord, this is amazing!"

Holding the knife again, I cut a piece for Tord, bringing it to his mouth. He smirked, taking the food into his mouth slowly, almost seductively. Once again, a giggle passed my lips, Tord eating the food and nodding.

"Hmm yeah these are pretty good..."

I could still taste the syrup lingering on the tip of my tongue, my smile never fading as I ate another piece.

"They're really sweet. I love it!"

Tord raised his eyebrow at me, his smirk widening.

"I know something that's sweeter."

Before I could ask, Tord held my hand, kissing up my arm until he reached my neck. My giggling only intensified the closer he got to my face, my body temperature rising as Tord continued.

Our moment was interrupted by a familiar explosion, no doubt the daily bomb had been dropped once again. Though this time, my body froze as I heard it, staring at Tord with a face of horror and fear.

"They're coming closer."

Stay Alive For Me (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now