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"You still love me, Tommy. You know that."

Tord's hands ran over my bare chest, his face close to mine, my breath bouncing off his skin. I brought my hands up to his shoulders, running them down his arms and back around his neck.

"N-no I do-n't..."

A soft moan passed my lips as he brought his teeth down on my neck, biting and sucking the skin, almost driving me up the wall. He pulled away, getting close to my ear.

"You miss me, don't you?"

His breath was hot and deep, his hands travelling to my sides as he rubbed them lovingly.

"M-maybe a li-ttle..."

I saw a slight smirk grow on Tord's face, his eyes going half lidded as he came closer to me, eventually bringing his lips onto mine. An explosion woke me from my dream, the feeling of Tord's touch still lingering on my lips and body. It's only been two days since I left him, and my thoughts can't seem to let him go. He lied to me. He used me. He never even loved me!

But I couldn't ignore that I loved him. Of course, love can turn to hate very quickly, my subconscious reminding me of the nights before he told me the truth. The nights where he shared his body with me, as I did with him. It was as if my dream was filling the gap that I had been missing last night.

My morning was slow, my face neutral as I heated up some breakfast. I didn't have Tord's talent when it came to cooking, the sloppy mix of eggs and rice being an obvious indicator of that.

Thoughts picked up like my feet as I continued walking, I kept thinking about the past two weeks. They were all just a big lie. A trick to gain my trust. Looking back on everything brought up a lot of emotions, betrayal among them.

Every building I passed seemed bleak and identical to the last one. The streets seemed to go on forever, no signs of a safe haven for protection from this nightmarish place.

Hours, days, weeks of walking. Yet nothing but grey smoke awaited me. With Tord, it seemed as if hope had a purpose. Hope to find a barrier, where the gravelly roads turn into the lush green fields I hadn't seen in so long. But making this journey alone made hope seem pointless. A waste of energy. It was clear nothing would come up. No place to be safe from the bombs creeping closer by the day.

"I love you more than anything, Tommy."

I smiled at the memory of what Tord had said one evening before I fell asleep.

"We'll get through this together."

The touch of Tord's hand around mine still lingered, the warmth, though imaginary, making me feel safe and loved.

"I'm trying to say I was using you, idiot!"

That line rang through my ears, the painful words piercing my brain, breaking me from the inside. My legs felt weak at I took another step, my knees eventually giving up as I fell on the cold street.

"I was USING YOU."

The sweet voice I used to hear now rang through my head with a threatening tone.


Knees scraped along the hard road, I buckled over, my eyes leaking tears and my heart burning with pain. Whimpers left my mouth, the only sounds heard were my own. The soft wind picked up, blowing dust and smoke around me as I stayed on the ground. After a while, I fell on my side, hugging my legs as I stayed quiet, spare for the few hiccups that left my parted lips.

Though I was soon brought out of my thoughts when I heard a faint sound in the distance, a mechanical whirring noise ringing in my ears. I widened my eyes, sitting up promptly before looking up at the sky. My face went white as I stood up, legs shaking violently.

A plane was coming closer to me, its engine loud and increasing in size as it neared my position. My instincts kicked in, I breathed heavily as I ran to a building close to me. With the dust covering the sky, it was difficult to see the plane, though I could tell it was close from the sounds it made. My heart raced, tears built up in my eyes as I awaited for a bomb to be dropped, sending me to my death.

Though that never happened. Instead, the whirrs became deafeningly loud, wind blowing furiously around me as I fell to the ground, huddling in the building with my hands over my ears. After minutes, everything stopped. The whirring, the wind, it all came to a stop.

It didn't take long for an unfamiliar sound to arise, shoes hitting a kind of metal surface. Curiosity overtook my fear as I stood, walking cautiously around the walls of the building. As I faced the direction of the sound, my eyes went white as I saw two men standing in front of a plane, a large, metal ramp descending from a door to the concrete ground.

"I swear to you, I saw someone."

"Yeah, yeah. It's not the first time you 'saw someone'. Remember that ghost you tried catching because it kept calling you Fatty Patty?"

I watched as one man playfully hit the other's arm, an offended expression present on his face.

"Hey, that was after I came back from the dentist! You can't blame me! Plus, this is different. I swear I saw a real person here."

The other man rolled his eyes with a small smile before looking in my direction, his cigarette falling out of his mouth.


He softly hit the other man's arm, whispering something to him as they looked at me. I ran back inside the building, trying to find a place to hide as the crunching of footsteps got closer, the two men eventually entering the room as I hid behind a large chunk of roof that had fallen through.

"We're not here to hurt you..."

A man's voice called out, my attention being brought to where he was. I hesitantly looked up, seeing the two men beside me. I flinched before noticing one man holding his hand out for me to take.

"We're here to save you."

Stay Alive For Me (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now