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Panic washed over my body as the sun poked up over the horizon. It had been hours since Pau and Pat left. Tord was trying to calm me down by patting my head, but I knew he was worried as well.

"Where could they be? Did they forget about us?!"

Getting off the ground, I paced back and forth in front of Tord, careful not to move his broken foot.

"I'm sure Pit and Pot didn't forget us."

My feet stopped as I turned to Tord, a confused yet annoyed look on my face.

"Pau and Pat. I've been saying their names for hours. How could you possibly forget them?!"

Not bothering to continue, I sighed. What's the point in wasting another breath on this lame conversation?

"You're right, you're right. Sorry."

Eventually, I sat back down next to Tord, hugging my knees close to my body and resting my head on them. Thoughts of the next bomb killing us before our saviors arrived were the only ones going through my mind. Everything seemed so pointless now. My entire life would be gone in a flash. The years I spent learning, laughing, spending time with my friends. All for nothing.

"Hey. It's gonna be ok. We'll get through this."

Warmth covered my hand as I looked down at it, seeing Tord's hand on top of mine. He rubbed his thumb up and down slightly in a calming manner.


Our eyes met as I faced him, a small smile mixed with a hint of remorse. Remembering his words before I left, I turned my hand over, holding his and tangling our fingers together. A frown painted on my lips, memories of my time with Tord were coming back to me. How we'd watch the sun go down and the moon peek between the clouds. How even when our supplies were limited, he'd offer me the most of the food, saying I had to keep my strength up. I'd secretly place more food on his plate when he wasn't looking. He needed to keep his strength up, too. I missed that. I missed him.

The more I thought about it, the larger my frown became. As my hold on Tord's hand tightened, he turned back to me, inching closer to my body, despite the pain from his broken foot. My thoughts still clouded my mind, memories taking over my vision as all I could think about was how much I wished we'd stayed together to search the bar three days ago.

Shuffling out of the corner of my eye brought my attention back to reality, a weight on my shoulder as I saw Tord's head rest on my shoulder. His thumb still rubbing my hand, his eyes looking down at the ground in front of us.

A soft smile made its way on my lips, my head resting on top of Tord's. The upsetting thoughts eventually cleared from my mind as I only wished time would've stopped right then and there. All planes and bombs stopping mid air as Tord and I sat, watching the sun rise.

Silence overtook the two of us, the wind brushing past in a light breeze, being the only sound around. Tord sighed, letting go of my hand and taking his head off my shoulder.

"Let's play a game."

Tord kept his gaze on the ground ahead, the breath leaving my lungs audibly as it passed my lips.

"What kind of game?"

Bland and uninterested, my tone expressed how I felt about the offer. Reality slapped me in the face again as I remembered why I was worrying so much earlier, not in the mood to do anything other than panic.

"A distraction game. Like 'I spy'."

My arms folded over my chest in a resentful manner.

"I spy a guy who sucks at cheering people up."

A small chuckle left Tord's parted lips.

"Come on. You can't choose yourself, Tommy."

An offended gasp and a playful hit on my chest brought a smile to his face, my lips copying the action. The sound of soft chuckling cutting through the silence.

"How about a real round this time, huh?"

Playfully asking, Tord looked at me with a smile still worn on his lips.

"Tord, I know you're trying to help here, but it's not going to work. I don't want to spend my last hour or so of my life playing some stupid kid's game."

I huffed, my head turning the other way as I watched the sun slowly climb into the sky.

"Well what do you want to do?"

The question lingered in my head for minutes, Tord looking down out of the corner of my eye.

"I still don't forgive you."

Confused, Tord opened his mouth to speak. Though before he could, I moved closer to him, my lips on his and my eyes softly shut.

Past and present melted away as Tord kissed me back, the familiar, loving touch of his lips on mine.

An inner debate about my actions went on, head against my heart as part of me told to break away. So I did. Softly. Gently. Lovingly.

My eyes met Tord's, locked in a dazed yet gentle expression. I could see how lovesick he looked at me, my own feelings betraying my judgement as I kissed him again.

I missed the feeling of closeness with him. My worries slipping away, fears and problems seeming like old news to me.

"I thought you didn't forgive me."

His voice was nearly a whisper, his arms wrapping around me as I was pulled into a warm embrace.

"I don't, asshole. I just want to be happy in my last hour."

A chuckle, then silence. Comfortable silence. Tord rubbed my back soothingly, the embrace gentle and soft. My eyes closed, a smile rested on my face.

The familiar sound of a military plane made its way towards us. My grip on Tord tightened, eyes clenching as I waited for the bomb to drop Tord returned the gesture. Even if I didn't have enough time to say it, I was glad Tord was here. Alive, and loving me as we embraced in our final moments together.

Stay Alive For Me (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now