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Every passing day seemed to get longer as the fear in my body rose. It was old news between Tord and me that the bombs had been dropping closer to us, moving our way on their journey of destruction. For that reason, Tord and I had been walking even faster, trying to outrun the bombs until we reach the next town.

As I stood on top of a rubble pile, old pieces of wood and brick beneath me, it was difficult to see past a few grey buildings ahead of us. The sky hadn't cleared up at all during the five weeks since the bombing, the only colours accompanying it were orange flames and black ash.

"Do you see anything?"

Tord called to me from the bottom of the pile, squinting due to the dust surrounding us.

"Does more smoke count?"

As gently as possible, I slid down the pile, falling into the hands of my sweet boyfriend. We both giggled slightly after we kissed, our hands tangled together as we continued walking down our path.

"When we get to safety, what's the first thing you want to do?"

My lover asked me while stepping over broken glass, the remains of a shattered window sprinkled on the ground in front of us.

"Definitely take a shower. And eat bacon. A lot of bacon."

Tord chuckled a bit, nodding his head. Our feet lead us to a cracked street, lamps and signs toppled over to complete the dim, drowsy looking area we had reached.

"What about you?"

Tord thought for a moment, swinging our hands together as we walked.

"I'd find a soft bed and sleep for a year."

"Hmm I would've liked to do something different in a bed~"

Tord gave me a look of surprise, my smirk showing as he bumped my shoulder with his.

"Heh, and I thought I was the horny one."

He pushed his hair back, the horns on his head sticking up again to exemplify his point. My mouth opened as I planned to retort his statement, though I never got the chance as I felt my foot slip. Tord widened his eyes, immediately using both hands to hold onto me as I hung from a large crack in the ground. The surrounding area around me was pitch black, the only light I had was from the grey sky above.


I could feel Tord tensing his muscles, trying his best to pull me up. My arm was starting to hurt, I brought my other arm to help hold onto my savior. That's when I realized why he couldn't pull me up. I had my backpack full of cans, knives, bottles of water and a pan all on my back. My heart dropped as I started to slip, Tord's eyes going white with fear as mine did the same.

No command needed, I began slipping the backpack strap off my shoulder, feeling the weight unevenly shift onto my other side. Tord grunted, the obvious weight change being hard for his hands to hold onto my arm. Carefully, he grabbed my other hand, making sure it was secure before letting go of my arm, my backpack strap coming clean off. Once my bag fell off my shoulder, I heard a loud clutter of metal and cloth hit the ground. My focus was very much set on that noise, almost startling me as Tord pulled me up. I laid on the concrete under me, huffing heavily and trying to catch my breath. Tord laid beside me, his hand reaching mine and holding it again.

"Th-an-k y-you-"

I heard a breathless chuckle coming from my lover, his sweet voice ringing in my ears.

"Do-n't.. don't ment-ion it."

Once I found the strength to sit up, my head turned to Tord's way, giving him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

Our steps were taken with caution as we continued to walk, a slight limp in my step after I kicked a rock for losing the backpack. Tord held my hand as we kept going, a gleam in my eye everytime I looked at him.

"I can't believe I lost half of our supplies..."

Through the misty streets coated in gravel, my only thoughts surrounded the lack of weight on my back and the guilt I carried with me; it being even heavier than the backpack was. I mumbled under my breath, spitting insults at myself for being such an imbecile, dooming the two of us to a fate of nearing death quicker. As I spat profanities at myself, I felt two arms wrap around my body, a head resting on my shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Tom. Don't worry, min kjaere. It's going to be ok."

I pushed my lover back slightly, tears pricking my already glossed over eyes.

"IT IS MY FAULT, TORD! If I was looking where I was going then-"

Tord cut me off with a kiss, obviously trying to shut me up and calm my boiling blood down. After moments, I didn't have the strength to reject his actions, eventually letting go of my anger and enjoying the closeness of my boyfriend.

He pulled away from the kiss, looking into my eyes with sympathy and care. Wiping a tear away from my cheek, he sighed and cupped my face with his hands.

"I can't have you giving up on me here. I need you, Tommy. We haven't lost yet."

We shared a small smile between us, my head eventually nodding and accepting the truth my lover spoke to me. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before the two of us went on our merry way, Tord occasionally complaining about how he has to carry everything and receiving a punch on his shoulder.

Even in a dark time like this, we kept our spirits up, filling a dark, abandoned world with love and passion. Just as Tord has shown me every nightfall. With the bomb threat increasing, time running out for us to make it to the next town, we managed to continue loving each other. Every day, every night. He could even distract me from the intense smell of burning rubble, clouds of smoke increasing and the horrendous sounds of every bomb being dropped getting louder and louder with each progressing day.

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