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"Tyree, Ooh right there!"
Samaya moaned out as ty pounded into her in the backseat of the car.
"Shit Maya! You feel good ma."
"I'm not sure how people are going to react to this." Samaya said as Ty held her in the backseat.
"What? Wtf does anyone else gotta do with us?"
"Well like Sa'Mir. How is he going to react, you know he still upset about what happened with Dymond and Sa'Liyah. Honestly ima pray for that man he really surrounded by girls." Samaya laughed.
"Samaya fr, I want you. I've wanted you for awhile and I ain finna let nun stop that." Ty said holding onto Samaya.

"Ok Ty. I'm just nervous. How do I know you won't hurt me?" Samaya said sitting up in the car and grabbing her shirt and putting it on.
She then grabbed her pants.

"What you doing maya?" Ty said pulling her arm.
"Ty I- I'm not ready!" Samaya said crying.

Samaya had been touched by her father as a kid, no one knew to this day because she felt disgusted with herself and she was afraid people would look at her different.
"Samaya?" Ty said grabbing her face looking at her
"I just need to go!" Samaya said trying to unlock the car.
He grabbed her arm though
"Ty please." She looked at him.

He let her go and she got out the car and ran into her house.

Yea they fucked in front of her house.

"Man wtfffff" Ty said running his hands down his face.
Samaya watched him from the window.

Ty sighed.
"I will not chase a bitch." Was all he said before he pulled off.

Samaya sighed and walked up the stairs to her bedroom.
"MAYYYAYYYYAYYAYA OMG OMG OMG!YO DADDY GET OUT TOMORROW!!!!" Auntie Jay yelled running into her room with the biggest smile on her face
Samayas face however turned cold and scared.
"What's wrong Maya?" Her mom said seeing Samayas reaction.
"N-Nun I'm, I'm happy." Samaya lied.
"Ok don't let yo daddy find out about ty, you know he don't like that losing your virginity shit.". her mom said.

"Mom? What! I'm st-"
"Don't lie to me Samaya and I saw you and ty never left. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! In a car girl! You should've just came inside." Her mom laughed.

"You used protection right?!"
When Samaya got in the shower she just cried and cried letting the water run down her face and body.
When she got out she got dressed and went to her bed and immediately laid down.

Her phone was blowing up and she was so confused.
She looked at it to see Ty blowing up her phone.
She blocked him and then fell asleep.

"man I don't know what the hell going on with her." He sighed.
"Mari stop laughing he's really sad right now, that's rude." Dymond said trying to hold on her laughter.
"Chile lemme go check on my best friend, she don't ever just block nobody. I hope she's ok." Dymond said before getting up.

"NO THEY BAD!" He yelled back but she was already gone.

She pulled up to Samayas house and her mom was leaving.
"Hey auntie Jay." Was all she said before walking into the house.

She walked all the way to Samayas room and opened the door to see what she thought was Samaya sleeping.

She sighed and was about to leave when she heard a sniffle.
"Maya?" She asked coming to the side of the bed.

"I'm ok. Uh-what are you doing here?" Samaya asked wiping her eyes.
"No, Samaya. Please tell me what's wrong yo phone is off and you literally blocked Ty, everyone know y'all got some going on."

"My daddy come home tomorrow Dye..." Samaya said with the most sacred look on her face.
"What-so why are you upset youn wanna see him?" Dymond asked before Samaya burst into tears again.

"He hurt me dye."
"What? he raped you?" Dymond asked getting upset.

Samaya nodded.

Dymond thought of it in disgust. She was NOT disgusted with Samaya but with her father.
"What you wanna do maya?"

As if on cue her mom walked thought the front door.
"IM HOME IM COOKING YO DADDYS FAVORITE FOR TOMORROW!!! Augachiles y ceviche con tostado!!!Ai ai ai! Como la florrrr! Como la flor con tanto amor! Me diste tu!" Her mom exclaimed before singing.

"Can you help me?" Samaya asked.
She was scared her mom would do something horrible when she found out and she didn't want to be alone to find out.

Dymond nodded and they walked downstairs.
"Mami!" Samaya said running and hugging her mom out of the blue.
"What the matter? You ok Bebe?" Her mom asked her
"You know how dads coming home tomorrow? Well I'm scared for him to be here because before he went to jail he raped me, multiple times." Samaya said in one breath as her mom let her go.
"Samaya, you liar! Your father is finally coming home and your making it all about you!! You selfish whore !" Her mom yelled pushing her before Dymond got in front of her.
"Auntie Jay!! You fr? She just said she got raped by her father and you calling her a whore????"
"You can pack your stuff, I refuse to let you stay with me anymore. pequeña puta tonta(you dumb little whore.)" her mom said pointing in Samayas face.
Samaya sobbed as she went upstairs and packed as much stuff as she could.

She walked out the door to Dymonds car.
"What am I gonna do?? Y'all don't have no more room in yo house an-
"Samaya, you know what you have to do, you just questioning why." Dymond said

"I don't wanna stay with Ty, I think I hurt his feelings."
"Well what you gonna do?"

Samaya pulled out her phone and messaged Ty.

Tyree ㊗️🐉

Ty, I'm sorry I blocked you. I was going thru something and I took it out on everyone. Especially you. I just got kicked out of my house though.

Why the hell auntie jay kicked you out?

Was all ty said. Samaya stared at the phone for a little over a minute as Dymond drove off.

She started getting a FaceTime call from Ty.

She stared at Dymond.
"Girl you better answer it." Dymond laughed.

Samaya answered and Tys face displayed on the screen.
"I asked why yo mama kicked you out?"
"Can I stay wit you? Then I tell you." Samaya asked.
"Of course shawty." Ty said.
Follow me and my good sis new account mayanddaywroteit realladyA13

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