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When Samaya got to Tys house she knocked on the door.

He heard his footsteps coming down the stairs and he opened the door.

They stared at eachother for at least 4 minutes before Samayas eyes got watery.
"Hey?hey what's wrong mamas?" He said pulling her into a hug.

"Come inside."
Samaya sat on his couch trembling.
"You gotta tell me what's wrong if you wante to be there for you."

"When I was 15-16 my dad raped me. At least four times a week.....I never told anyone. Ever. I told my mom today because my dad gets out tomorrow. She said I was a liar and told me to get the fuck out." Samaya said shakily.

"I just saw yo dad onna block.. he said he was gon surprise yall- now he finna get surprised." Ty said standing up.

"No, please tyree, please I'm begging you I don't want you to do that!" Samaya said holding tys arm.
"Fuck you mean?! I'm finna kill this nigga."

"I-I care about you and I don't want you to be in jail for something like that." Samaya looked into his eyes.

"Fuck allat talk Samaya. Stay here! I'm not playing." Ty said snatching away and walking out the door.
"Zaireeee! I need to go! She needs me let me go!" Dymond yelled trying to get out of Sa'Mirs grip.
"Bruh let them people do they job she's gonna cry."
"But that bitch didn't have to do it like that!!!"

Aria was getting a flu shot today.
"stop acting a fool!" Samir said snatching up Dymonds little body.

"Don't be snatching me up like that. I'll behave can we go back inside now?"

When they went back into the office and Kairo was holding Arias hand.

"babygirl you did good!" Sa'Mir said picking Up Aria.

"Thank you Kai. You a good big sister." Dymond said holding Kairos hand.

"W-we get I-cream now?" Aria said holding back more tears.
They nodded and made there way out the door.
Sa'Mir stopped in his tracks seeing Layla right in front of them."

"Omg! Ro! And Sa'Mir!" Layla jumped up and down.

"O-oh Um your Darla right?" Layla said turning to Dymond.
"No, no I'm Dye. And we best be on our way."
Dymond said walking around her still holding Kairos hand.

Layla stopped sa'Mir

"Oh my granny said you better come to her party on the fifth... and bring your family I guess..?" She said not wanting to mention the last part.
"We be there." He said walking away.

When he got to the car Dymond eyed him down.
"What y'all was talking bout?" She asked straight up.

"Oh Mrs.Jane wants to meet you and Aria."
"I don't know who that is but ok." Dymond said

When they got home Dymond went up the stairs.

She went into the bathroom and started a bath.
Sa'Mir walked into the bathroom kissing her cheek from behind

"I'll be back later tonight. Kiss the girls goodnight for me." He said walking away before he could get questioned.

After Dymond bathed the girls it was around 8:15 pm.

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