Chapter 35

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I woke up and I was in the hospital. I had monitors all around me. I looked around the room and saw Ashley and Mr. and Mrs. Mathews.

"Abbs!" Ashley said running to my side and giving me a hug. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine. I just feel really tired. What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted honey. We had to bring you to the hospital." Kathy said.

"You really scared us kiddo" Mr. Mathews said.

"Where Chase?" I asked them. They all looked at each other.

"He had something he needed to do.  Don't worry he'll be here soon!" Ashley said. "Guess what Abbs! We have some great news! They found a donor" Ashley said smiling at me.

They found a donor? There was a donor? I was going to live? I started crying. Ashley hugged me. "If you accept, the doctor said he could do the surgery tomorrow." She said.

"Of course I want the surgery." I told her.

"We're so glad honey." Kathy said.

The doctor came in and explained the details of my surgery. I had to sign the consent form and I was ready to go for tomorrow.

Chase still hasn't arrived. Why wasn't he here? I was getting worried. This definitely wasn't like him. I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up and I looked out the window. It was dark out. I looked around and I saw Chase.

"Chase you're here." I said smiling at him.

He walked up to me "of course I'm here Abigail. You know I love you." He said smiling at me. His smile didn't reach his eyes tho. There was something wrong.

"I love you too Chase." I smiled back. "Is everything ok?" I asked him.

"I should ask you the same question." He said.

"I'm a little nervous. I'm not going to lie." I told him.

"Why didn't you tell me Abigail?" He asked.

"Tell you what?" I asked him.

"What the doctor told you? Why did you hide it from me?" He asked me.

I looked away and answered. "I'm sorry Chase, I was scared and I didn't know how to respond. I didn't anyone to worry either." I said looking down.

He lifted my head with his index finger "Abby, I always worry about you. Nothing will ever change that. I'm glad you have a donor. I really do. Just remember tomorrow after your surgery that I love you and I would do anything for you." He said as he held my hand.

I looked into his eyes. There was something going on. "Chase is everything ok?" I asked him.

"Yes of course. Now get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow. I love you Abigail." He said.

"I love you too Chase." I said and then I fell asleep.

I woke up early the next day. Everyone was in the room with me. Chase, Ashley and the Mathews.

"How are you doing kiddo. Ready for today?" Mr. Mathews asked.

I smiled at him. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." I told him.

"We love you Abigail." Kathy told me. I saw tears in her eyes.

"I love you guys too." I told her.

Ashley ran up to me and hugged me.  "Abbs! Everything is going to be ok!"

"It will Ash." I said smiling at her.

Chase came up to me. He kissed me. We never did that in front of his family. He pulled away and said "Remember how much I love you. Promise me you won't forget that." He said as his eyes burned into mine.

"I know Chase. I'll always love you." I told him.

Just then the nurse walked in. I said good bye to everyone and I left the room and headed to the OR.

I fell asleep as soon as the anesthesiologist applied the anesthesia and I prayed that everything turned out ok.

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