Chapter 38

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7 years later

Life took its toll on me and I love every single day of it. I am currently in my final year of medical school. I can't say life had been easy, because it definitely hasn't, but I am thankful for what I have. I love my baby boy Alex. He is such a sweetheart and a blessing. Irene has helped me out so much. I see her as a mother and Alex sees her as a grandmother. She's helped me babysit him when i was at school and now when I have a shift at the hospital.

Next year I'm hoping to start a residency in pediatrics. I absolutely love kids and I would like to help them.

I had a shift in the hospital today. Thankfully it was a morning shift. I wouldn't be home too late today.

We were running our rounds with the patients with the attending physician and I thought we were finally done. Then he said "we have a VIP patient on the 12th floor. We really want him to invest in our residency program, so I thought if we bring a couple of aspiring residents to see him. He was in a recent car accident. It looks like he has a broken rib, but he's ok besides that. He's a hotshot lawyer from LA and was here on a case. So let's make him feel at home shall we?" Dr. Rivera said. We all nodded and headed to the elevator. It was hard working with Dr. Rivera he was always so strict. He always had us on our toes.

He walked into the VIP's room and we followed. We didn't even have a chance to look into his medical chart. If Dr. Rivera asked us some question we were doomed. It was just me and 3 other colleagues and believe me we were all scared.

I walked into the room and Dr. Rivera blocked the patients face. I walked to the foot of the bed and I was surprised at what I saw. "Caleb?" I said. The words came right out of me.

"Miss Avery! How dare you be so formal with the patient, how could you call him by his first name?" He said yelling at me.

I looked down. Dang it. I made Dr. Rivera mad, I would pay for it later.

Then Caleb cut in. "Excuse me doctor, that right there is one of my best friends. She can call me whatever the hell she wants. Don't you dare yell at her." He shouted at

Dr. Rivera.

"I'm sorry..."

Caleb cut him off "it's fine, I do however request that Miss Avery here stick by my side in case I don't feel well for the remainder of my stay. Is that ok?" He told the doctor.

"Of course anything you need" the doctor said. Everyone walked out and I stayed behind.

"How are you Caleb?" I asked him.

"Don't how are you Caleb me. You disappeared Abby. For so many years. Do you have any idea how I felt?" He asked. I felt bad for him. I was such a bad friend.

"I'm so sorry Caleb. It's just I need a new life. Where no one knew me. My old one was beyond repair. I needed a fresh start. I was just so busy. I know it's not an excuse, but I'm really sorry Caleb." I told him.

He sighed. "You know I can't ever stay mad at you!" He said smiling at me. I went up to his bed and gave him a hug. We spent the whole day catching up. I didn't tell him about Alexander tho. I wasn't ready for that.

"So what's it like? Being a hot shot lawyer?" I asked him.

"It's not what it's cut out to be but hey it pays the bills." He said 

"Well you're a VIP at this hospital, so I'm sure you win a lot more money then just to pay the bills." I said chuckling.

He laughed and answered "what about you? Miss doctor?" He said taking his eyebrow.

"Well I'm still in my final year of medical school, then hopefully I can start my residency, so believe me, I make no money right now. I have student loans I have to pay off that prove it" I told him.

"Really? You know if you need money..."

"Don't insult me Caleb. You know I would never take money from you?"

He sighed "I know, you and your stupid pride."

"So what your firm called?" I asked him.

"Um about that I was going to tell you." He was cut off by someone at the door.

I heard someone twist the door knob and walk in. I turned around and I came face to face than none other than Chase Mathews.

I was stunned and didn't know what to say. Shit. The room was so quiet. What the hell was he doing here?

"Abby I was about to tell you, I joined Chase's law firm. We were here on a case. When I had the accident." Caleb told me breaking the silence. I looked away from Chase. I could feel his eyes burning I to me.

"I see, Ugh, I have to go check on the other patients. I'll see you around Caleb." I said as I jumped out of my seat and headed to the door.

Before I could walk out Chase grabbed my arm "we need to talk" he said.

I remained quiet and then the door opened. A nurse came in "Miss Avery, Dr. Rivera said if it's ok with the patient, the he needs you in the OR." She said.

I pulled my arm away from Chase's grip. "Of course, I'll be on my way." I walked towards the door and said "bye Caleb" and then walked out.

I found the doctor. He needed an assistant for an operation and of course I was the one who always helped him. I never liked surgeries, thats why I wanted to go into pediatrics, I would still be in the OR from time to time but I would be there to help out babies or kids, which was my passion.

The surgery went by pretty quick and I finished doing my paperwork on the rounds we made. I was finally able to go home. I would of said goodbye to Caleb, but I didn't want to risk running into Chase again.

Anyways I should be mad at Caleb for not telling me right away. Then again I haven't been a good friend either.

I walked out of the hospital and I was walking to the train stop when I felt myself being pulled by someone. I turned around and I see Chase.

"What the hell are you doing? Let go of me" he was staring at me and wouldn't say a word but he wouldn't let go of my arm. "Let go of me!" I tried to pull my arm away but he wouldn't let go. His eyes were burning into me. "I need to go home. Let go of me now" I yelled at him. He was still looking at me.

"It's really you" he finally spoke. "It's been so many years. You haven't changed a bit. You're still my Abigail." He said my Abigail. Did he just say that?

"I'm no ones Abigail. Now please let go of me Mr. Mathews or I will have you arrested for assault." I told him.

He smirked at me "I'm a lawyer remember" he got me there.

"I don't care who you are. Let go of me now." I yelled at him.

He finally released my arm. I didn't loose anytime and started to walk away from him. He came after me.

"We need to talk Abigail." He said.

"I don't need to talk and I don't know about you, but I'm a very busy person. I have a 24 hours shift coming up and I need to go home and get some rest. Sorry, but I have no time for someone like you." I said walking away. He kept on following me. I made it to the train stop I passed my card and went thru. He couldn't go thru because he didn't have a card. He was about to jump over when security stopped him.

He asked how to get a card and the security showed him to the kiosk. Thankfully the train arrived and I got on before he could. He saw as I rode away on the train.

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