The Party

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

I decided to do a book of one shots based on my next generation stories. I was debating it for a while, but then I came up with this story and decided to do it. I will do requests if anybody has any, but there are a couple of rules:

1) It has to be based off my stories of "Ninja Family" and my next generation stories.

2) It has to be based on something that was mentioned in the stories that supposedly happened to them or something that could've happened in any of the time gaps in the stories.

Also, this is my first time doing a one shot, so I hope it turns out ok. In this story, Justin, Alex, and Max are all 15 years old and Nathan is just their bully at this point. I got this idea from an episode of "Cobra Kai".

"Our first high school party!" Justin said excitedly as he walked up to the house that the party was at with Alex and Max. "This is gonna be fun!"

"I can't believe we lied to our parents about where we were going," Alex said, feeling a little guilty. She turned to Justin and Max. "Why did we have to go to this party? We didn't go to any parties when we were freshman."

"We though that it might be fun," Max said.

"Don't we go through enough torture at school?"

"Come on," Justin said. "Don't be such a buzzkill."

"I'm not a buzzkill!" The three walked into the house and looked around. There were a few people that caught Alex's eye. "Hey." She got Justin and Max's attention. "Are they drunk?" She pointed to a few people who had plastic red cups in their hands and couldn't even walk straight.

"I guess there's drinking at this party," Justin said.

"It doesn't mean we have to," Max said. They made their way to the backyard where they saw a lot of people gathered around something that was going on. "I wonder what's happening out here." They got closer and saw Nathan and another guy balancing on one leg on stools and drinking. They were having a contest. The guy who was going against Nathan fell off.

"Looks like Nathan is still the champ!" the guy who was judging it said.

Nathan jump off of he stool and noticed Justin, Alex, and Max standing and watching. He walked up to them. "So, you freaks decided to come," Nathan said with a smirk. His speech was a little slurred.

"You are seriously drinking?!" Alex asked annoyed.

"Of course. It is a party. You losers probably couldn't handle it anyway."

"What?" Justin said, getting defensive. He took a step towards Nathan.

"You're also probably too goody two shoes to have even had any alcohol before. I could easily take any of you."

"Balance is something that we have had to learn, so I think that we would be more of a challenge." That response from Justin got a bunch of 'ooh's from everyone around them.

"You've never had to balance with alcohol in your system." Nathan got even more 'ooh's.

Justin knew he was being challenged and he wasn't about to back down. "Let's do it."

"Looks like we have a challenge!" the guy who has been judging it said.

Alex grabbed Justin's arm. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm putting Nathan in his place," Justin replied.

"But you don't need to prove anything and drinking is illegal at our age."

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