1. Shut Up Carolina's

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I woke up silently to the fire alarm sprinkle spraying on my face, the water was cold and smelled like moldy water. Like every morning I got up, put on my robe, and walked downstairs, awaited by disaster. Not to my surprise California was on fire, mostly on her arm, so was the whole kitchen. I walk over to the stairs, grabbing the fire extinguisher laying against the wall, I put one their because someone's always on fire. Putting out the fire and putting the empty Fire Extinguisher in the trash, I walked over and sat on the couch next to Pennsylvania, who was the 3rd one up, she was on a strict sleeping schedule, mostly because if you were the last one up, you had nowhere to sit, and barley get any food. She groaned and grabbed the French press off the table and poured a cup an coffee for me and her. 

"Thanks Penny.'' I told her quietly, taking a sip and putting the mug on the side table.  After about an hour everyone was up except for the baby territories, who woke up around 8.

I got up, going to start breakfast, if I didn't people would start becoming cranky. I got two cartons  of eggs and two bags of cheese, all of them only ate their eggs this way. I was cracking the last couple of eggs, and decided to look at the time, 7:30, SHIT!!  

"Louis you're in charge of breakfast." I yelled, stumbling to the  laundry-room, grabbing my dress and coat. Shoving the clothes on, I grab a cup and poured coffee in it.

 "Delaware, you're in charge remember the rules?'' I ask, shoving on my shoes and watching Louisiana putting eggs on plates, looking mad at me and life. 

"Watch the territories, try to stop all fights, keep a fire extinguisher on me at all times, and let no one in.'' He said proudly, picking D.C up on his hip.

''Nice.'' I answered him, grabbing my briefcase as I open the front door

''Love Y'all!''

 ''Bye mom!'' all the awake states answered back, looking up from what they were doing to wave at me. 

I get in the car and start it, pulling out of the long curvy driveway. While I drive, I'm thinking of the hell waiting for me from U.N's, she always had something wrong with me, my hair, my clothes, my work, there is always something she doesn't like that I do. I get she does this to every, it's apart of her job, but it really pisses me off.

                 Texas's POV

''Get your food Texas,'' Louisiana said sliding a plate to me. He looked pissed off and had a coffe in hand

 ''I'm fine,  I ain't hungry...''I replied, pushing the plate away, I didn't feel like eating that gross excuse of eggs.

 Delaware touches my shoulder I look up at him, trying to glare at him to get his hand off of me. 

"You need to eat Texas, if you don't your gonna get sick." He said strictly, pushing the plate in front of me again.

 I sigh mumbling, "I hate you" and cusses at him while I was eating the soggy eggs. North Carolina and South Carolina got into a big fight about Carowinds, the amusement park 

"It's more on my side everyone knows that.'' South Carolina stated happily, crossing her arms and smirking. 

"Really? you got to be kidding me I have the 'Copper Head Strike' on my side!" North growled placing her hands on her hips with a sour look on her face.

 South lunged at her sister tackling her to the ground, they both started rolling around and hitting each other.  From across the room New York screamed while looking down at her phone. "Stop it you two Carowinds is equally split for both of you." They ignored this and carried on fighting. I found this funny and started to snicker loudly. 

"Shut it wanna be cowgirl!'' South Carolina yelled, avoiding a punch from North. I can't stand it when people said that, and AT that moment all the states that were awake looked up from what they were doing and stared at South who had hands over her mouth knowing, she messed up. I lunged at her with my plate and broke it over her head, standing up and putting my fork in the sink. I then walked outside, trying to let off steam and calm down.

America's POV

While I drove, I one handed filled out paperwork I forgot to do, mostly because I forget about it or was to lazy to give a shit. Then I saw the World Building, with the window washer hanging off the walls and random people sitting in the parking lot and talking. I grab my briefcase and coffee, rushing inside, hoping to at least be a little late . When I entered I felt like I was missing something but ignored it, I always felt like I was missing something here, oh yea, part of my soul. I sat down at the long rectangle table, not surprised that U.N didn't even turn around and look at me, then I noticed the stares I was getting, never a good thing. I pulled out my little mirror, thinking I might had something in my hair, but instead when I saw my face, I knew what I did wrong. How could I have forgot them!!! I put my head on the table and groaned, how could I have forgotten my glasses.  I didn't want the questions on why I had them, questions lead to answers, then rumors, and rumors lead to truths. I heard U.N speaking, her voice was so calming I stared drifting off to sleep, not being able to hold it back .


 "She's late again, this is so stupid.'' I whisper to Mexico, he may be my boyfriend, but man he is like my bestfriend, he has this thing that he can sense if something is wrong, and if I don't say anything he gets mad. He rolled his eyes, as he did I glanced at her and my skin went pale.

" What's wrong  Cariño?" Mex whispered touching my shoulder, see, his magic in action. I grabbed my phone and texted Mexico,

Can: Look at those eye bags Mex I haven't seen those since I was a kid, my dad has those, he got them when he didn't sleep, he would always have that but these are worse.

Mex:¿por qué?

Can: Idk dude.

I closed my phone, I glanced at my sister, I started to tear up but held the tears back. Why was she like this, she always puts me in situations like these and I can't stand this. I'm going to her house after the meeting and I'm going to talk to her about this, if she gets any worse, she is going to have U.N to deal with.  

After the meeting, everyone left but a couple of people Poland being one of them. Poland had tried shaking her awake, but when that failed, she just full-on smacked America with a book that was laying around, that woman showed no mercy. When awoken she jumped up pushed me and Germany away and darted towards the door, a face of horror struct upon her. When she left I pulled aside my good friends, Japan, Germany, Poland, Russia, Mexico, New Zealand, And Aussie.

 ''Can anyone understand why Ame has those bags under her eyes? She never talks to any of us anymore and has been a pain in the ass recently.'' Six heads shook no. I sighed, we talked about Ame for an hour the Aussie then started talking 

"I was planning on visiting her, mostly because I need to talk to her about something, I can take you all along. I don't think she would like it very much though." She explained pinching the bridge of her nose and sighing. Australia was the only one who knew were America lived, so it was a win-win.

"Dinners on me guys"


I curve onto the gravel road and smiled, home at last. I saw my house, bikes on the roof, water guns littering the yard. I got out of my car and looked around the yard. The Territories were playing " Duck, Duck. Dinosaur" and the western states were playing mafia, a game where you have to solve the murder mysteries.  Then I heard the best sound of my day, 64 little voices screaming: 


My first book and 1000 words! Lets go! 

This a good book? If so let me know and ill continue.


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