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Immediately students start talking all type of critics like....."hey darkie" "hey there's the burnout bitch" etc the whole crowd erupts in laughter, I could already feel a burning sensation in my eyes and a lump in my throat, my vision become blurry and again I want to cry, I started running towards the girl's restroom, but before I could reach the door I bumped into someone which made me stumble back and I lost my balance.

"Wtf is your problem girl, watch where the fuck your going bruh" he said with a lot of anger.

"I-I-I'm so sorry I wasn't looking, I'm sorry" I said while helping myself off the floor & dusting off my clothes.

By now I was a crying mess, this morning has proved to me that its gonna be exactly the same.

"Whatever just watch where your going next time girl" he said in a calmer tone.

"I will" I said and looked up, when I saw the person's face my eyes got wide, I'm talking to Dante Grey the biggest man whore in the school, but he's so gorgeous, oh my god & those lips I would love to just bite them like.....

"Oh shit" I said while looking down in embarrassment, I've been staring at him for the pass 2 minutes....ughh Kellise why do u have to be such a dumby.

"Ma, u gud?" he said while flashing the smile that gets all these giddy ass girls in the school panties wet, not me though boy wrong girl.

"Says the one who was just staring at him" my non conscious self told me. I face palmed myself.

"Uh...I-I'm okay, I was just, u kw just um...." shit I can't even talk straight, I'm here stuttering like a little giddy girl on their first date, ughh I gotta go like right now.

"Oh okay, I just saw u staring at me like I'm a celebrity or some shit" he said while doing the infamous smile, I feel like I'm about to melt honestly.

"Oh....well u-u don't usually t-talk to dark skinned g-girls so I-I thought that you were just gonna judge me like everybody else".

"Mhmm......well, um can" he was about to say something but his best friend Jayceon came over to where we're standing.

"So you been standing here talking to this" he said pointing at me......"while I been looking for you everywhere man, I thought we don't deal with things like this" he said pointing at me again and emphasizing on the "THIS".

"Aye man watch it, she's a human being not a thing & u said that not me, but she was just running & she bumped into me & she apologized that's it" Dante said trying to explain the situation to Jayceon.

"Okay, if u say so Dan" he then turned to me giving me his undivided attention......"run a long burnout nobody want yo ass here not Dante & definetly not me, I hate yo ass so much if hatred could kill, bitch you would be 6'6 underground right now" he said slightly raising his voice & looking at me in disgust like I'm a piece of shit.

Then the bell rung indicating that it's time for class I took a few steps back then looked at Dante, he gave me a look of sympathy & mouthed "I'm sorry" I gave him a head nod and then walked away with my head down & eyes full of tears

Dante POV

I looked at her as she walked away, she looked hurt & I couldn't do nothing, I don't know why but I felt sorry her, she's beautiful, sexy, looks independent & smart I don't get the reason why people don't like her at all, I have never seen her before though, despite the fact that we attend the same school, I have never been the type of guy to have a soft spot for anybody, normally when Jayceon does that to other dark skinned girls I would laugh & agree to every single thing that he's saying, but she, she's a lot different, she didn't flirt, she was shy, she didn't try to touch me instead she kept her hands to herself, why do I feel like this, I have never felt this way before.

"Fuck" I said in my mind, but mistakenly it slipped out of my mouth.

"What's up, why you cursing man?" Jayceon asked me making me snap back into reality.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking that's all, let's go to class before we're late" I said walking away with him beside me.

I didn't get her name though, I'm sure her name is just as beautiful as her face no cap, imma have to try & talk to her, she's different.


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