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Kellise POV

"Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in the solar system....." the teacher continued to talk about the solar system, while he was dictating I jotted down notes.
When he was finished , I put away my notebook & pen in my backpack, I walked out of class & down the hall, the sound of the bell rang throughout the hall and in a matter of seconds the hall was filled with students, I stopped & put in the code to my locker then placed my things in my locker and took out the books that I need for the class that I have after lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria and went straight into the lunch line, cause I'm starving y'all. I got my lunch and went to sit somewhere that doesn't have any of these serpents. I found a table at the corner of the cafeteria so I went and sit there.

Dante POV

I walked into the cafeteria with a coke & a bag of doritos in my hand with Jayceon beside me, immediately my eyes starts scanning the room looking for "HER". I looked all around the cafeteria, but I didn't see her, so I started walking.

" She gotta be here somewhere " I mumbled under my breath.

As those words left my mouth, I saw her sitting at a table in the corner.

"Yow Jayce go find a table, I'll be there in a minute, imma Hola at someone real quick" I said to Jayceon and he gave me a head nod.

When he walked away, I walked over to her. When she saw me take a sear across from her, her eyes went wide. I don't understand why she keeps doing that to be honest.

Kellise POV

I was having my lunch and scrolling through Instagram when I saw someone sit across from me. I looked up to see Dante "AGAIN". Immediately several questions starts running through my mind like.....

" What's wrong with him?"
"Why is he over here?"
"Doesn't he feel embarrassed to be seen at the same table with me?"
"Why bother come near or around me when he could be sitting & flirting with any other girl?"

"Wassup, you good?" he asked while eating his chips.

"Umm......y-yeah I'm good" I said stuttering "AGAIN".

" That's good, but aren't you gonna ask me how I'm doing?" he said while smiling at me.

"Sure......why the fuck are you here, sitting at the same table and trying to make a conversation with me, aren't you embarrassed to be seen with me?" I asked him, thank god I didn't stutter.

"Chill ma, I just came over to check on you and see his you doing-"

I cut his sentence short by saying....."but we're not friends neither acquaintances so why would you waste your precious time on me? I asked him with attitude laced in my voice. I just don't get him though, why would he care about my well being, probably he's just acting as if he cares about me, nobody at this school cares about me.

"You know what fuck this, cause I'm trying to get to know you but you wanna be fucking feisty" he said while getting up from his side.

"Wait.......I'm sorry, I'm just not use to this, student don't talk to me unless they're making shitty remarks about me" I said looking down at my food, hoping that he would sit down.

"Nah I'm good, just give me your number, I'll holla at you later" he said while sliding his phone to me. I took it up and saved a wrong number, I just don't feel comfortable enough to give my real number. I gave him his phone and he walked away.

Dante POV

I walked out of school, going straight to my neon green porsche, I hopped in, start up mah car and drove out of the school parking lot. While I was driving I saw "HER" again, I don't know her name as yet but I'm about to. I slowed down to talk to her.

"Wassup ma?" I asked her, she just waved.

"Umm......do u want a drive or sum', I could drop you off?" I asked her.

"Nah I'm good, I'll just take the bus" she said.

"You sure you good?" I asked her again just for reassurance, she smiled and gave me a head nod.

"Okay, I'll call you later aiite, um I never got the chance to ask you, but umm....what's your name?" I asked her.

"Kellise, Kellise Mendez" she said while flashing that beautiful smile of hers, I gave her a head nod & drove off.

"Home sweet home" I said while smiling, my smile dropped when I remembered that it was HOME SWEET HOME. I went inside and head to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

"I miss mom so much *sigh*, I just wished she was here right now with me man" I said out loud while running my hands down my face, feeling frustrated & emotional.

I went upstairs, took a shower and watch a movie....time passed so I checked the time and its 4:30p.m so I decided to check up on Kellise. She picked up on the third call....well I thought it was her.

"Hello, who is this?" a male voice said from the other line. I hung up almost immediately.

"Wtf...how did....but she gave me her...." I stopped my confused rambling when something clicked in my head.


I kw this chapter is long guys lol love y'all too. Please vote, comment & enjoy.💞💝✌

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