Chapter Five: You Make "Live" to a "Love"

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"Seokjin, please wake up! Don't leave me! I- I cannot live in this life without you." Namjoon's voice cracked as he thought of what he would do without Seokjin. He then decided that he couldn't do anything without Seokjin, but he would avenge his death nonetheless. He lifted himself off the ground and took one last look at his dead lover, and anger flared in his chest. He looked at the sky and he screamed at God in that moment. He then grabbed the knife that was used to stab the love of his life, and made his way back into the house.

Namjoon tore the screen door open and pushed the wooden door as hard as he could. He had never felt this kind of anger in his life. He was so angry and heart broken that he honestly wasn't thinking rationally, he just wanted it all to be over.

Once Namjoon reached the living room, he saw Mrs. Kim crying. She looked up at him, and she screamed because she saw the look in a Namjoon's eyes. That's when things changed within seconds. Mr. Kim came from behind with a shotgun, and in moments, Namjoon had been shot through the chest. Within about seven seconds, he saw his life as if it were a film. All his moments with Jin, along with all of the happy moments they shared. It was absolutely beautiful, and in that moment he wished for another  life with Jin with only happiness and acceptance. Only this time, he had a good feeling about it.
Namjoon immediately sat straight up, hitting his head on the ceiling for the 100th morning in a row. He groaned in pain loudly, and someone beside him sat up and did the same. "Namjoon, are you okay?" Namjoon smiled at the voice. "Yes I'm fine Jin, I just had a weird dream is all. Are you okay?" Namjoon replied with a small smile. He was glad it was dark in the room or else Jin would have definitely seen that Namjoon was a softie at heart.

"Yes, I'm fine. What was your dream about?" Jin asked and Namjoon almost didn't tell him, but something in the back of his head was screaming at him to tell Jin. "Well it's weird because in these dreams that I have, it's like I'm dreaming of myself within a different life. I see someone and I just know it's supposed to be me. I have the same dreams all the time, and in the one I had tonight, I saw the love of my life get killed by his own father, and then when I go to avenge his death, his father shoots me in the back. You definitely think I am crazy for telling you this, but something is telling me to tell you." At this point, the sun was slightly coming through the window, and Namjoon saw something in Seokjin's eyes. It was almost as if Jin could relate to Namjoon.

Jin made eye contact with Namjoon, and tears started to fall from his eyes. "Namjoon, I have the same dreams, but they are from your lover's perspective."  That's when everything clicked for Namjoon.

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