Part 12: Wash Away the Clouds

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Bai Qian paced back and forth inside the building, hoping the activity would distract her from the mind-numbing boredom she'd had to deal with during her stay here. There was only so much reading and listening to gossip one could do before they started missing the comforts of home.

She'd spent the past week rejuvenating in the Lord of Numinous Treasure's pool, hoping she could heal more quickly and return to Qing Qiu and the familiarity of her Fox Den. She, who had traveled all the realms, had never been to the Nine Heavens. She would be the first to admit that she had not adjusted too well to the change in environment, spending almost all of her time feeling uncomfortable in this overly proper place and out of sorts at every turn by how alien this staid world was.

Ye Hua had brought her to Xiwu Palace the morning after her battle with Xuan Nu, quick to follow through on the plans they had made.

"Even Qing Qiu's entrance has Mi Gu guarding it. But this Great Overarching Heaven, holding 36 heavens doesn't even have someone guarding the door? How unimposing." There was a hint of question in her voice, as she noted how deserted the pathways were. That would be normal for her the area around her Fox Den, but she had not expected the same here.

"The Supreme Venerable Sovereign began a ceremony today," came the soft reply.

It was only when he grabbed her in his arms and carried her across the threshold and into a courtyard had she realized that something truly was out of the ordinary.

"Ye Hua! What are you doing?" her voice only hinted at the turmoil his touch had evoked.

Ye Hua had blushed, setting her down, aware that her body had stiffened in his arms, his face carefully expressionless as she quickly pulled away and moved a few steps back.

"Who knew that to get to the Nine Heavens, I'd have to jump in instead of walking through the front entrance?" she said on a huff, adjusting her clothing and raising a brow at him. It was indicative of her desire for an immediate explanation.

"To walk in from the front, all the halls high and low would have been alerted," Ye Hua stated calmly. "All the commotion would have been annoying. It wouldn't have been as convenient as jumping in."

"That is reasonable," she stated approvingly, tapping her fan to the tip of her chin, as she began to look around with curiosity.

"Welcome to Xiwu Palace," he said softly, moving forward and gesturing for her to follow him.

He'd lead her around the grounds, showing her the gardens, the pathway to the pools and then had brought her to where she would reside. His gaze had flickered to her multiple times throughout their tour of the palace, as if assessing her reaction to her surroundings.

Bai Qian had smiled when she saw where she would be staying. The Hall of Beautiful Youth was aptly named. It was a pretty building, suffused with colors and warmth. There had been a sense of belonging that she felt upon entering, which had surprised even her. Her eyes had taken in the novels by the bed, knowing that Ye Hua had made all possible arrangement for her enjoyment, which had softened that little knot of discomfort inside of her.

"And this is Nai Nai, the maid that will be tending to all of your needs." He reached out and clasped her hands, squeezing them gently. "Rest for now. I will see you this evening." Ye Hua had immediately abandoned her thereafter, citing the duties awaiting his presence.

She had seen his desire to stay, but also that it hadn't prevented him from leaving for duty's sake. For a moment, Bai Qian had yearned to call out, but it wasn't in her nature to beg for favors. It didn't take her long to realize that no matter how pretty the building, she felt caged here. She didn't have the freedom to wander around as she would have at home. She didn't have the freedom to rest, to drink, to seek out amusements. Bai Qian had busied herself the best she could, with novels and palace gossip and, most wretched of all, entertaining guests, and she'd quickly realized that none of it was pleasing for long.

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