Part 14: Falling

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"Qian Qian."

Bai Qian turned her head at the voice, her attention immediately distracted from the small budding plants in the garden that Ye Hua had planted for her. It had been a happy surprise on the morning they had returned to the Nine Heavens.

"Why peach blossom trees?"

"It's a little bit of home. So that you wouldn't miss it too much."

She saw Ye Hua walking towards her, his pace just a bit rushed as he came closer to where she was kneeling. Straightening, she smiled, the action uncontrollable in the face of his eagerness. Joy was a small kernel inside of her heart, slowly unfurling the closer he moved to her.

The two had spent the past few weeks being feted, banquets held in their honor; everyone in the Nine Heavens wanted to entertain the Crown Prince and Princess. The celebrations had started from the Heavenly Emperor's palace and continued from there on down. Bai Qian was fatigued with attending the events; she wasn't used to interacting with people on such a consistent basis.

Of all those in the Nine Heavens, the Heavenly Emperor was happiest at this wedding, having achieved his desire of cementing the alliance between the Nine Heavens and Qing Qiu's Fox Clan. He hadn't hidden the fact that he would use those connections to settle the unrest that was ever present with his rule, silencing his detractors with a united front.

"The Crown Prince is very obedient," the Heavenly Emperor uttered jovially, his face flushed from the number of drinks he had had that night. Darkness had long fallen, held at bay in the stately and cold room by a profusion of candles lighting the room.

Bai Qian moved back slightly, wondering idly why the Nine Heavens clan was so lightweight. That in itself wouldn't be a problem, but they became so talkative under the influence. Looking around furtively, hoping for rescue, but Ye Hua was across the room and out of ear shot. Turning her head back, she politely smiled at Ye Hua's grandfather, hoping that her silence would discourage him from further ill-advised discourse.

"I told him that this marriage must go through at all costs. It is a matter of pride that our Clan follow through on our commitments," he relayed pompously. Leaning in, he continued in a quieter tone, "He listened, of course. He made sure that everything was done exactly as I had demanded."

Bai Qian raised an eyebrow in surprise.

He stroked his beard contemplatively. "He played the romantic quite ably, even though he lacks experience in that area. He made us all believe that he would do anything for the High Goddess." He chuckled happily, his eyes alighting on his grandson across the room and waving him over.

Bai Qian froze, a feeling of disquiet rising inside of her. If she was honest with herself, she had suspected. They had met so recently; her mortal's infatuation had been the ground upon which her love was built. How could there be love in his heart when there was no such foundation? She met Ye Hua's gaze as he strode towards them, expressionless in the face of the worry he directed her way.

She deliberately looked away, turning to the Heavenly Emperor to ask, "Who do you think you are speaking to?" She aimed to remain patient, knowing that it would not do to be rude to her husband's grandfather within days of their wedding. That relationship, more than his status, held her back from retaliating for his gross impropriety.

There was no answer, the other immortal having walked away while she thought on how to react to his words.

"Qian Qian," Ye Hua said from behind her.

Bai Qian stiffened for a moment, her face resolutely turned away from Ye Hua.

"The Heavenly Emperor," he murmured, moving closer and speaking into her ear, "what did he say to you?"

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