Happy Lowman-Quinn.5

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As me and my dad rode back to the lot, my bike that we just bought was there lined up with the other bikers, I asked him "why is the biker here."

"Well I thought we could go for another ride because I would like to show you something."


So as I walked over to my Dyna we rode off, as I followed my dad it felt like along time but it was only a half an hour.

We got off are parked bikes, there was a big blue house it was very nice my dad unlocked the door when we walked though the door, I gasped "its so beautiful."

"I know."

"Why are we here?"

"It is where we are going to be staying from on now, instead of the clubhouse."

"You did this for me?"

"Yes, I did."

When we left the house my dad's phone rang "what's up hap" he asked "okay we are on the way."

We entered the compound and we were greeted by Happy Lowman.

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