Chapter 1: Adrenaline

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"Come on Jisoo!" Lisa exclaimed once more with a smile on her face.

The mentioned could only sigh, this happened every. damn. weekend.

Lisa would come in the apartment Jisoo shared with Rosé, force Rosé to go with her to the club and then try to bring her along as well.

She had always said no, if it wasn't obvious already.

"It's obvious you girls are the perfect roommates, you both hate going out so much." The eye-smiling girl said with a teasing tone of voice. "I bet that if Rosé wasn't my girlfriend she wouldn't come along either." She said as she collapsed on the couch, bringing her legs over Jisoo's.

"I don't hate going out," Jisoo replied as she took from below Lisa's legs the book she had been reading just a few seconds ago. "I told you why I don't like going to clubs, once was enough.

"Ok, so someone spiked your drink and you ended up having sex with a stranger..." Lisa started, Rosé sighed as she watched her extremely persistent girlfriend continue her not so good job convincing Jisoo to go out with them. "But it's not like it's going to happen EVERY time you go to a club," Rosé sighed again and Lisa continued nonchalantly. "Plus, what if you actually meet someone that is totally drool worthy and you actually want to have sex with her?"

"How are you so sure I'm interested in sex?" Jisoo said with a small blush, sure, she was no virgin anymore thanks to that night two years ago, but she couldn't deny she was actually curious.. since she didn't remember anything from the first time at all. "How are you even sure I'm into girls?"

"Everyone is, at least curious." Lisa said with a glint in her eye. "And my gaydar beeps near you, just like it did with Rosé."

"Am I that obvious?" Rosé murmured as she looked at her girlfriend.

"Aww boo, I knew from the moment you wouldn't take your eyes off my butt." She caressed playfully Rosé's cheek and the latter could only blush.

"I don't stare blatantly at girl's body parts." Jisoo replied defensively.

"Of course you don't, you're a total nerd," Lisa said. "Whenever your theory of music professor opened her mouth, you would just gawk at her and listen to her talk endlessly."

"Professor Song was very acknowledgeable." Jisoo muttered while she stared at her book.

"Of course Vic is very acknowledgeable, that's why she's a Professor even if she is just four years older than you." Lisa teased with a smile. "Now, we could continue arguing here..." Lisa continued. "Or we could go to the club"

"I don't really want to go..." Jisoo replied.

"Look," Lisa started, looking serious. "Let's go tonight... and if you don't enjoy yourself... I promise I won't ever ask you out with us again, okay?"

Lisa offered her pinky, silently suggesting a pinky promise to make the deal a real one.

Childishly real...but real nonetheless.

Jisoo wondered for a second... and realized that it was actually a very good offer.

"Deal." She said while intertwining her pinky with Lisa's one, and earning an excited yell from the eye-smiling girl.


Now that she found herself inside the club, there were several things she noted, first, the loud music was somehow overwhelming, second, the flashing lights changed colors every now and hurt her eyesight and, damn, she just wanted to go home already.

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