[M] Chapter 3: Library

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The seemingly innocent kiss lasted about ten seconds before Jennie pulled Jisoo closer by grabbing her face, they didn't even understand exactly how, but it was just a matter of minutes before Jennie's hands were slowly slipping inside Jisoo's jeans once again.

"Wait" Breathed heavily Jisoo and Jennie stopped immediately. "We're in a public place, want to come up?" Jisoo blushed as she asked that last part, but she was so turned on, again, that she honestly couldn't care less.

Jennie smirked and nodded immediately.

"Park over there" Jisoo pointed to an empty spot and as soon as the car was parked and locked, they nearly ran to Jisoo's apartment.

They quickly headed to apartment 27 and as Jisoo tried to open the door, Jennie was busy planting kisses in the back of her neck, running her hands all over her ass.

As soon as Jennie heard that the door was opening, she turned Jisoo around, kissing each other passionately pushing her inside the apartment, before she pushed the door close and then turned again, not letting go of Jisoo and pressing her up against the door passionately.

"You have a thing for pushing me against doors... " whispered the taller girl against Jennie's lips, Jennie just smirked as she slowly unbuttoned Jisoo's shirt from bottom to top, after she was done with three buttons she slipped her hands in and started rubbing her waist.

A throat clearing was heard behind them and in that moment they were both abruptly brought back down to reality, separating from each other rather quickly, bright blushes adorning their faces.

But as if being caught by Jisoo's roommate wasn't enough, the rest of the girls that had been on the club the day before were there on the living room, smirking in a way that Jisoo could tell that she was up for a wave of teasing. She turned to look at Jennie and found the other girl blushing a shade so red it was actually hilarious, the other girl turned to look at her and they both stared into each other's eyes.

"Well... uh... I'll leave." Jennie said awkwardly, ignoring the burning stares from the girls on the couch. "I really had a great time yesterday, call me." She said nervously at Jisoo who just nodded.

"Sure, I, I will." She replied awkwardly, the smirks of her friends unnerving her.

"Goodbye." Jennie said and planted a small and innocent peck on Jisoo's lips before basically running out of the apartment.

Jisoo now found herself completely alone with her friends, all of them looking very ready to tease her.

"Yes!" Lisa exclaimed suddenly. "You are totally going to have to come with us more often! Cause it is obvious you had a great time last night." She winked at Jisoo and the older one just felt her face burn and herself unable to retort to that.


Later that day, Jisoo found herself staring at her phone while lying on bed, wondering if she should call Jennie now or if she'd seem too desperate for calling so quickly.

Before she could think it properly, she found herself dialing Jennie's number while her heart beat faster than it normally would.

"Hello?" She heard from the other side of the phone and her heart was nearly bursting out of her chest.

"Hi, uh... it's me." Jisoo nearly face-palmed, what kind of greeting was that?

"Jisoo?" Jennie replied, sounding thoroughly surprised, which was weird for Jisoo.

"Yeah, hello." She chuckled nervously after that.

"Don't be so nervous." Jennie said with a relaxed voice and a small chuckle.

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