Chapter 4: Baby Steps

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Baby steps were the last thing they were taking, Jennie thought as she stared at Jisoo's sweaty face as she tried to catch her breath after yet another round of sex on Jennie's apartment.

Back when they had gone out for the first time, she was completely right about neither of them being able to start an actual friendship without ever trying to have sex again, because after conversing calmly on dinner, Jisoo had suddenly started playing footsie with her and it was just a matter of asking for the check and arriving to her apartment before they found themselves completely naked and going at it until their bodies could no longer continue that night.

The next time they went out, they went to watch a movie, but as the movie turned out to be boring, Jennie had decided to tease Jisoo, brushing lightly her center with her fingers and a few minutes later Jennie's hand was inside Jisoo's underwear, fingers pumping in and out of her as the older one bit on her knuckles holding in the moans, once the older one had reached the pinnacle of pleasure, they left the movies, not caring that the movie was still not over and drove up to

Jennie's apartment, once again, and Jennie found herself pressed against the mattress, hands clutching the sheets tightly while Jisoo's head was between her legs

Most of the times they went out, they ended up having sex, once they didn't even managed to leave the parking of the library after she picked Jisoo up, she didn't even exactly remember how... but she knew that in the end she found herself on top of Jisoo in the back of her car going at it at least twice before they decided to go to Jennie's apartment to take a nap because they were too tired to go out, Jennie found out that time that car sex isn't as comfortable as it looks on porn.

She couldn't even tell for sure how many times her and Jisoo had had sex from how many times it had been in these past few months, but there was something she could tell for sure... she had fallen in love.

Yes, every time they were together they somehow ended up having sex, yet it was never just about sex, it was about the light conversation they shared before and after, it was getting to know the beautiful soul she was, it was the gentle kisses, the reassuring words, it was about being wholeheartedly honest while not only having sex... but making love.

She knew Jisoo felt the same, she saw the way the older one's friends stared at her, as if they knew something else, they had told her about how surprised they were at the fact that Jisoo had had sex with her that first night, and even if they didn't know for sure about all the other times, the way they stared at Jisoo's hickeys and at that glow she had after they met with them, she was sure they saw it as well.

Because she saw it, she saw it in the way her eyes sparkled when they were talking together, shit, she saw it right now, as the girl had finally caught up her breath and had started to slowly open her eyes, her eyes sparkling with love and bliss.

The girl turned on her side, now facing her, she leaned in and pecked her lightly, and Jennie brushed away the sweaty strands away from her forehead and leaned in and planted a loving kiss there.

She knew it was love, no matter how big the steps they had taken were, she could feel it every time they were together and her heart throbbed in bliss.

As Jisoo cuddled with her, head lying on the crook of her neck, lips releasing a sigh before placing a warm kiss there, arms around her waist, legs tangled together...she could feel their hearts beating in synch.


"Are you dating Jennie?" Rosé asked Jisoo one morning after Jisoo had been regularly meeting the mentioned girl for about ten months.

"I.." Jisoo started, never had they stablished their relationship in any label, Jisoo had wanted them to start off as friends but neither of them could hold it honestly, they craved mutually for each other far too much. "I don't know!

"You don't know?" Rosé asked with her eyebrows raised as she stared at Jisoo and munched on some toast.

"Yeah..." Jisoo thought about it, what they had... was different, she could feel it wasn't only lust, and neither of them have been seeing anyone ever since whatever deal they had between them had started, or has Jennie been seeing someone? She honestly didn't know, well... they had never made any arrangement or agreement in which they specified that, so if Jennie was seeing someone else she couldn't really complain.

"Why not?" Rosé asked, checking her phone to see if her girlfriend had called her yet.

"We've never really spoken about it..." Jisoo mumbled while looking at her food, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.

"If that's the problem then talk about it with her." Rosé said as she pocketed her phone and stood up. "One of you eventually will get tired of the lack of status and it can either end up in either of you asking..." She took a small pause while staring at Jisoo straight in the eye. "Or either of you leaving."

Jisoo nodded thoughtfully as she saw Rosé get closer to the door.

"I'll leave for the weekend with Lisa, we're visiting my parents, invite Jennie over, spend time together, go to the club, go out on a trip, whatever Rosé said before sighing. "I never thought I'd say this, especially to you but, stop having so much sex and actually deal with whatever thing you have going on." She smiled dorkily at Jisoo who just blushed and nodded.

Jisoo sighed as she plopped herself on the couch, if she had told herself a year ago she'd be in a situation like this, her past self would probably laugh, she was the type to normally want to have a certainty, to always be sure, but with Jennie Kim... she was always sure even if they didn't say for certain, no matter how opposing that seemed to her normal behavior.

Jennie Kim just had that effect, that effect in which she was led to lose control of herself and didn't manage to find herself in any other position than on her arms.

It was so hopeless of her, what if Jennie had a girlfriend and she was just an affair? What if she just simply saw her as someone to have sex with?

She was so damn hopeless.

Even when lost in her thoughts she managed to listen to the soft knocking on the door.

She stood up, opening mindlessly the door only to encounter Jennie Kim with that big smile of hers, holding a small bouquet of flowers, Jisoo's worries flew out of the window as she stared at those loving doe eyes that she adored so much.

"Hey Chu." The younger girl said with a smile so big it kinda looked stupid, but a good type of stupid, a kind of stupid it made Jisoo think Jennie liked her too.

Stupidly in love.

"How about we go to my family's beach house this weekend?" Jennie asked and Jisoo could only gasp in surprise as she stared at the other girl.

But no matter how serious and scary the request could be... she couldn't find herself replying with a no, she could never reply Jennie with a no.

"Sure." She said simply before she was enveloped by a warm pair of arms.

She sighed and allowed herself to enjoy the warmth Jennie emanated, maybe her worries could wait a bit longer.

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