[M] Chapter 6: Stay

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Jisoo looked at Jennie unabashedly, but she didn't just look, she stared at her like nothing else in the world existed, she could feel the love oozing from her eyes as her gaze was fixated on the older woman who shamelessly swam naked.

As Jennie resurfaced she immediately felt the strong gaze on her and she chuckled softly as she swam back towards the taller woman.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked playfully as she pressed herself against Jisoo, gently backing her up against the pool wall.

"Yeah," Jisoo whispered, a cheeky smile surfacing on her lips


Jennie stared at her blank face for a second, her face twisting into a smile and then belting out a loud laugh that resonated in the emptiness of the house. Jisoo followed along, laughing loudly as she placed her hands on Jennie's shoulders.

"l can't believe you just said that!" Jennie said between laughs "You're so cheesy, I love you." She continued thoughtlessly and Jisoo suddenly got quiet, as she realized what she said her chuckles lowered in volume and she just widened her eyes and averted her gaze, hoping she could pretend she didn't say anything.

The silence Jennie faced... It was deafening, it left her filled with insecurities.

Maybe she had misunderstood, maybe what her friends had told her could happen if she didn't put a status on their relationship happened, maybe Jisoo only saw her as a friend and a booty call, maybe-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden sob and a sigh, making her quickly turn back towards Jisoo, only to meet a teary eyed girl who was looking at her as if she was someone precious, someone special... someone she loved.

"God," Jisoo said, sniffling and Jennie wiped a lonely tear that fell from Jisoo's eyes, the girl just smiled tenderly and placed her hands on Jennie's face. "I didn't know I needed to hear that until you said it." She laughed half heartedly as she leaned in and pressed her forehead on Jennie's. "You meant it?"

Jennie looked at her disbelievingly and nodded, before placing a kiss on the younger girl's nose.

"I thought you knew" She whispered. "I thought l was super obvious and you knew" Jisoo chuckled softly.

"Yeah, I knew" She pecked Jennie's lips and smiled with her lips against hers "I was always somewhat sure... but hearing you say it, wow."

"I will say it as many times as you need, I love you Chu" Jennie said against Jisoo's lips. "I love you, I love you" She then kissed her harder, needier, deeper, "I didn't know how much I needed to say it until I did". Jennie said in between kisses, sounding out of breath. "What about you baby girl, do you love me back?" She then bit the taller girl's bottom lip as she leaned away from their kiss and her right hand unconsciously slipped up the other girl's neck, holding her softly.

"l love you" she whispered as she leaned into Jennie's touch, the latter's hand clenching slightly, she had clenched her hand out of feeling overwhelmed with hearing Jisoo say those words, those three words that carried so much emotion and so much power, she understood why the other girl had teared up upon hearing her the moment she heard her say it, it was such a beautiful feeling. A moan escaped from Jisoo's lips as Jennie applied light pressure on her neck, which surprised them both and made Jisoo blush as Jennie smirked lightly at her reaction."I thought you knew" Jisoo continued, imitating Jennie's words and evidently trying to divert her thoughts from Jennie's hand on her neck.

"I don't think I knew," Jennie said as she pulled Jisoo closer to her by her neck, evidently trying to take advantage of her new discovery. "I hoped though." she continued in a voice so small it didn't match the woman, naked in a pool with her hands on the other girl's neck.

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