[M] Epilogue

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Jisoo set down the last box into Jennie's apartment, well, now their apartment.

She looked around and smiled to herself, it was very hard to believe and was it stereotypical of them as lesbians moving in together fast? Is 6 months fast? Jisoo had no idea, but look they didn't have a choice.

Lisa had moved in with Rosé just month ago and while the rent was quite cheaper for everyone splitting it in three, it was evident that both Rosé and Lisa needed more privacy, causing Jisoo to spend most of her days over at Jennie's to avoid the awkwardness of looking them in the eye after they had had very loud sex or even when they had a fight, those damn thin walls weren't very private for anyone.

It was just last week when they had decided to go for it, as she arrived rather late for a matinée with Jennie, apologizing as she approached her waiting girlfriend.

"I'm sorry baby," Jisoo started, a bit out of breath as she reached Jennie. "It's just that Rosé and Lisa hogged the bathroom again and it was too obvious they had shower sex, I had to disinfect everything before I showered myself... took me a while." Jennie just pecked her lips softly and shook her head.

"Don't worry baby, I understand, and I mean," She started with a sly grin on her features. "It's not like we can complain, we had sex on almost any surface available the other day.. the table, the kitchen counter, against their bedroom door!" a small laugh ter accompanying her words.

"I had missed you, a week without you was too long," Jisoo replied as she toyed with Jennie's collar, her voice lowering as she recalled her girlfriend's latest business trip, which was way longer than expected, a weekend trip ended up being a week long one and as Jennie showed up inthe middle of the night at her apartment, running to her the moment her plane had landed and coincidentally a night Rosé and Lisa had gone off to visit Rosé's parents... it was too good ofan opportunity to pass. They had tried to get to the bedroom but Jisoo had ended up pressing Jennie against her roommate's door, which was the one closest to the entrance, she had been desperate to feel her body after not seeing her for just a week, so with no doubt in mind she quickly got down on her knees as she lowered Jennie's pants, Jennie's leg soon rested on her shoulder as the older girl moaned in pleasure clawing the door, attempting to hold onto it for dear life as Jisoo's head was between her legs.

"Yeah I know, that's why I didn't say anything." She sighed, biting her lip as they wondered in the movie theater room, recalling the way Jennie had screamed her name as she came, pulling her hair and pressing her hard against herself

Damn, she wanted her release on her lips again. Gosh she had become such a pervert ever since she met Jennie.

"Well, why don't you just move out?" Jennie suggested and a few people turned their way as they made their way to their seats, the movie had already started.

"Where would I go? I honestly don't feel like going apartment hunting." Jisoo said as she plopped down on her chair she was exhausted from the past few month, had been taking a toll on her. "Seulgi's apartment is big, I think l could ask her ifI could be her roomie."

"I mean.. if you want that, there's that option... " Jennie said, a hesitant tone in her voice. "But I meant, you could move in with me..

"What?!" Jisoo exclaimed, eyes wide and mouth open as she turned to look at Jennie. "Seriously?" She whispered loudly as hushing sounds were heard from all over the theater.

"I mean... only if you want to, it's fine, no pressure." Jennie continued nonchalantly, her hand scratching the back of her head, but those expressive eyes could never lie to Jisoo, she was quite nervous.

"I would love to, but I just graduated college and my job pays good but not good enough to pay for half the rent of your apartment." Jisoo continued seriously, the movie forgotten as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

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