1st Grade

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Hi everybody, just a little fluffy short TaeJin story. The pictures used are not mine, I needed a picture of them being little, so whoever's picture I used for this chapter let me know if its a problem I will remove it. Thank you all who take the time to read my stories, it really does mean a lot!! ❤❤❤

Once upon a time....


I walked into my classroom on the first day of School, The 1st Grade, wow it looks so much more grown up than my Kindergarten classroom, that's because Kindergarten is for babies, I'm a big boy now. I lean against the counter sipping my juice box and watching as all the kids started to come in, one boy caught my attention because he just stood in the middle of the room looking sad. "Hi, I'm Seokjin, are you okay?" "Hi, I'm Jungkook, Im okay, just nervous." "Oh, no reason to be, we are 1st graders now, we own this school", I said puffing out my chest. Jungkook giggles, "I dont know, the 5th graders may not agree with you about that." "True", I say deflating my chest. "Lets go find seats together", I said taking his hand.

As we sat down I notice another boy walk in, and he sits down next to me. I am staring at him because he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and he doesn't look happy at all, "Hi, I'm Seokjin, this is Jungkook." He didn't even look at us when he says, "Taehyung." A cute little bubbly boy with chubby cheeks skips in to the room next, "Hey Taehyungie", he says waving to the boy next to me. "Hi, Jimin, This is Seokjin and Jungkook, this is my cousin Jimin", he says still not looking at us. "Hi Jimin", Jungkook and I say in Unison. "Everybody just calls me Jin, by the way." At recess we all went outside, Jungkook and Jimin ran to play on the swings, but Taehyung stayed by me. "Tae, are you okay, why do you look so sad?" I asked him while we sat and watched Jimin and Jungkook swinging. "I'm not supposed to be in the 1st grade Jin, I'm supposed to be a 2nd grader, and it's embarrassing", he said putting his head down. "Well that's nothing to be sad about, nobody knows what grade you should be in, besides think about it, if you were a 2nd grader you never would have met me", I said with my big toothy smile. He smiled back at me with an adorable boxy smile, and my heart melted. "You are right Jin, I feel so much better now thank you", he said hugging me.

"Why did they hold you back", I asked out of curiosity. "I just moved here from Germany, my dad had a job there and I had to do 1st grade there, but when we came back to the states they tested me and I wasn't caught up with American schools just yet, so they held me back." "Oh that kind of sucks", I say playing with a pebble on the ground. "Was Germany nice? "Yea I liked it a lot, the people are really nice and the food was delicious." The more I talk to Tae, the more I really like him, he makes my heart beat really fast. Over the next couple weeks we all got really close, the 4 of us were inseparable, but Tae and I seem to be the closest out of everybody. Whenever we had sleep overs Tae and I always slept by each other, he would make me laugh with his little snores and when he talked in his sleep. His dad built him a tree house in his back yard and whenever I stayed at his house we would go hangout up there after dark, we'd bring a flashlight and snacks. Just sitting up there looking at the stars and the moon, we would read comic books and talk about silly things. My dad worked away from home a lot, my aunt always had to stay with me. Tae and I both lost our mom's so both our dad's were alone. Tae was lucky his dad could work from home most days, and because my dad was always away for work they let me stay with them a lot. One Friday when my dad was actually home, Tae's dad invited us both for dinner. "Hey Jinnie, Hi Mr. Kim", Tae says opening the door. "DAD, Jin and his dad are here" Mr. Jung comes up behind Taehyung. "Oh Jin, and Namjoon, correct?" My dad nods, "Nice to finally meet you I am Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi." "Nice to meet you", my dad says shaking his hand. "Please come in make your self at home." Tae and I watched movies in the living room, while our dads sat at the Kitchen island drinking wine and talking. Tae laid his head on my shoulder and I laid my head on his, and that's how we stayed till dinner was ready. 1st grade flew by in the blink of an eye.


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