5th grade

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Tae and I were sitting in his tree house, my dad left this morning for another work trip so Mr. Jung invited me to stay the week with them, I happily agreed. Tae is playing with my fingers, its something he started doing about a year ago when he gets nervous or bored, we start the 4th grade tomorrow, "Are you nervous", I ask. "Yea a little, I hate that we aren't in the same home room this year." "At least you have Jimin, so you wont be alone." "Yea but its not the same, what if you find a new best friend?" "Tae that will never happen, no one could replace you", I say as he lays his head in my lap. I play with his hair, "what if you find a new best friend?" He sat up quickly, "Never", he pouted. "Okay then, pinky promise we will never find another best friend and that we will stay together forever", I say sticking my pinky out. He wraps his pinky around mine and we proclaim our self to the other. "Come eat boys", Tae's dad yells.


We sat down to eat and I love to watch Jin eat, he is so adorable the way his cheeks get puffy and the sounds he makes when the food is really good. "Why are you staring at me", He says with food in his mouth. "Because you are so adorable my little hamster", I say teasing him. "He does look like a little hamster doesn't he", my dad says giggling. "We will have to have dinner when your dad comes back, Jin." "I will let him him know", I say. "You two have really become good friends, haven't you dad", Tae says. "Yea, Joon and I have a lot in common, its nice to have another adult to talk to." I get up and collect all the dirty plates, "Come on Jinnie, lets do the dishes before bed", I say. While I wash he dries and we bump hips, its become a thing with us, I don't even remember how it started. He grabbed a platter and started drying it, "watch out Tae Tae", he says leaning over me to put it away and I feel his dick on my butt cheek and I sucked in my breath. Why did that have such an effect on me, I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Jin is just chatting away and I have no clue what he is talking about, I just nod and laugh. "Taehyungie are you okay, you aren't even listening to me", Jin pouts. I smile at his cuteness, "Ah, I was just thinking about Sarah and how cute she is, I might want to talk to her when we get back to school", I lie convincingly. The look on his face is one I haven't seen before, hurt, pain maybe. He finishes drying the cup and puts it away, "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed I am tired." He walked upstairs and I just stand there trying to figure out what the hell just happened, so what if I want to talk to a girl, I mean what I said wasn't true but what if I do think Sarah is cute, is that what upset him.


Sarah, seriously? I cant believe he said that. After I showered, I brushed my teeth and jumped into bed and I try to fall sleep before he comes up. But I just lay here, I cant sleep, I hear the door open and Tae starts taking his clothes off. "Jin, you awake?" "Jinnie, are you made at me", I hear his pout. I sigh and turn over, "No, I'm not mad at you, come lets sleep", I held my arms open and he snuggled into me as I covered us with the blanket. We sleep like this all the time, its never been anything sexual, just comfort, but the older we are getting, the harder its getting to not see my best friend as more than that. We woke up the next morning and Tae jumped in the shower while I made our lunches, as I am putting them together I feel arms around my waist. "You sure you weren't mad at me last night", he said turning me around and burying his head in my chest. I rubbed his hair, "I wasn't mad Taehyungie, I promise, how could I be mad at my baby tiger?" He held me tighter, "I'm going to miss you all day", he said looking at me with sad eyes. "We will see each other at lunch", I handed him his lunch bag and Mr. Jung drove us to school. Jungkook and Jimin met us out front, luckily I have all my classes with Kook, so at least Ill have someone to sit with.

We've made it thru the first month of the 5th grade, and we are all settling in, Tae seems to be doing okay with not having classes with me because I see him walking down the hall with Alicia, one of the prettier girls in our class. My heart hurt at that, what hurt more is that he didn't even acknowledge me. So much for our pinky promise, its ok as long as he's happy. Walking out of school I see him standing by the gate waiting for me, I turn and walk the opposite way and walk home. I stop at the park and sit by the fountain, staring into the water. Am I jealous because he is my best friend, or am I jealous because I may possibly have feelings for him. It doesn't matter, he will never feel that way towards me, he likes girls. My aunt is at the house again, because my dad is gone, I was supposed to stay at Tae's but I think its best I just go home. When I walk in I tell my aunt that I have a headache and I am going to bed if anyone calls for me, I'm not here. I went to my room and thru myself on my bed and passed out. The next day at school I got there early and sat in the library doing home work till the bell rang, I waited and let the second bell go off before I head to class, that way the halls are empty. Jungkook looked at me when I walked in, "I thought you weren't here today, you didn't come with Tae, he is worried sick looking for you. I shrug, "I had work to do in the library this morning, so I got here early." "What's going on, you two are connected at the hip, is this because of Alicia", Jungkook asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. After class I grabbed my bag and left the classroom keeping my head down, I felt a hand on my arm spinning me around, "What the hell Taehyung", I yelled. He looked startled, "Where have you been, I have been worried sick, you didn't meet me after school and you didn't stay over, what's going on?" "Nothing Taehyung", I spin on my heel and walk away. I feel a hand on my wrist and being pulled into the bathroom, Tae looks at me with tears in his eyes, "what is going on Jin, talk to me", he begs. "There is nothing to talk about Taehyung." "STOP CALLING ME THAT", he yells throwing his arms around me. "You broke our promise, I don't care if you want to have other friends, but don't disregard or ignore me in the process, because I will leave and never look back", I said with anger in my voice. He cried hard into my shoulder. "I'm so so sorry Jinnie, I am a horrible best friend."

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