The Greatest Story

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Present day....

Jin POV: "Papa, is that really how the story goes? Is Daddy telling the truth?" The prettiest little girl in the world asks. "It sure is Peach, that is exactly how Daddy and Papa fell in love", Tae says. "And we are still so much in love that your little brother will be here in a few months", I say rubbing Tae's belly. "So tell me again how Auntie Olivia is only 5 years older than me", Isabella asks again like she has hasn't heard this story a 100 times before. "Because Grandpa Hobi and Grandpa Joon had Olivia after they got married, then you came along 5 years later after me and Papa got married." "Oh so they had Olivia way after you and Papa were already born?" "Yes, Peach, that's right." "Are Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jimin coming over today, and Uncle Kookie? " Yes, and so are your Grandpas and Olivia", Tae says. "Its Christmas eve baby, they will all have presents for you and Olivia to open", I tell her. She was really excited then, "Thank you for telling me the story again Daddy, I think that's my favorite love story ever, but I always forget did you or didn't you kiss Beth Johnson in the bathroom in the 3rd grade?" I laugh and look at Tae, "Uh-Huh, tell us daddy, how many times did you kiss Beth Johnson?" Tae pouts. "I did not kiss Beth Johnson in the bathroom, I only told Papa that so that he would let me kiss him", I said kissing Taehyung's forehead. "I would have let daddy kiss me anyway Isa, don't let him fool you", Tae winks. "Someone's knocking on the door Isa, come on lets go see who it is", I say taking her hand.

Tae POV: I get up off the couch to greet everybody, and to make sure to tell them to pick any room they want. Jin bought me a house, and surprised me by having our Treehouse moved to the back yard, our house is a very good size, we wanted to make sure we could accommodate our family and friends. He is so good to me, and too see him with Isabella makes my heart swell, he is such an amazing husband and father. He made Christmas eve dinner for our family and I know it will be delicious, we sit around the tree and let Isa and Olivia open a few gifts before dinner. "Papa, I got a new dolly", Isa yells. "I see Peach, she is very pretty." "Jin-Hyung, did you guys really get me a Nintendo Switch?" Olivia ran over and hugged Jin and I, thanking us. She learned the honorific Hyung from Hobi, he told her she didn't have to really use it since we didn't follow to many Korean traditions seeing we live in the US, but she liked it so she uses it. Jin is by far her favorite brother, I know she loves me just as much, but he spoils her rotten. Jin handed me small box once everybody left to go to the dining room. "What's this?" "Santa came early, open it", he says wrapping his arms around me. I look at him and proceed to open the little box, I gasp when see a little silver locket, I look at Jin again with tears in my eyes. The front of the locket has Once upon a time... engraved on it, "Open it love", he says kissing my cheek. I open it to see on the left side a picture of us together in the 1st grade, the middle picture is of Isabella and the right side is empty waiting for our sons picture. Jin says to look at the back, where the words, ...and they lived happily ever after were engraved. I threw my arms around him and cried, "Thank you love, I love it" We kissed, "We better stop or Ill take you to bed and forget all about dinner", Jin growls.  We walked into the dining room joining our family for dinner. "Baby, dinner was magnificent as usual, your son enjoyed it very much", I said rubbing my belly. He gathers me in his arms and covers my face with kisses, before bending down to kiss our son. We said goodnight to everyone and we tucked Isabella into bed, she is so excited to see what Santa brings her. Then Jin and I went to sit in our treehouse, wrapped in blankets, we have to wait for Santa to come and put presents under the tree. Jin wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a passionate kiss, every kiss from him is like a first kiss. "I love you Jin, so very much", "I have loved you forever my Tae Tae."

And they all lived happily ever after.....

😁😁😁💜💜💜😊😊😊❤❤❤😉😉😉 Love you all!! I hope you enjoyed it. (The second time around)



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