7th Grade

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6 years, the 4 of us are all still friends, best of friends. We practically do everything together, Tae and I are still really close and after all this time I have figured out that I am gay and I am actually in love with my best friend, but no one knows it. We had a situation a couple years ago where Tae and I didn't talk for a few days because he was talking to a girl and I became jealous, he didn't know I was jealous, he thought I was upset that he was ignoring me. We worked it out after a few days and he promised not to ignore me like that again. Falling in love with my best friend, well those types of stories never work out, do they. As far as I know Tae is straight, he talks about girls all the time, I have learned to tune him out, especially when he tries to get me to talk to them or look at them. I am going over to Tae's for dinner with my dad again, it seems our dads have become very good friends, which is really cool. "When I knock he flings the door open and drags me upstairs to his room. We sit on the floor, and I ask what the hell is going on. "I like a girl and she likes me", he says with a I'm so happy I could die smile. I groan, "and, its a day that ends in Y it doesn't surprise me anymore Tae, its a new girl every week", I tease him. "Jinnie, stop teasing me, I need your help." "With what?" "She wants me to kiss her", he says pouting. My heart broke a little at his statement, this is what I mean, the loving the best friend plot never works out for the protagonist. "So kiss her, what's the problem." "I don't know how to kiss", Tae says pouting again. "So, what do you want me to do?" "Lets practice on each other." "WHAT?" Tae looked surprised at my reaction, I got up and walked out. I didn't want to go in the living room, then the dad's would ask what was going on. So I walked out to the tree house, I sat and watched the sunset. He loves to hang my heart up and play darts with it doesn't he, my chest hurts just thinking about someone else touching him. Maybe I should help him, at least then I can say I was his first kiss, even though I will never be his last, but if I kiss him it will hurt more knowing he will be kissing someone else tomorrow. "Jinnie, I am really sorry for asking you to kiss me, I know that wasn't nice, why would you want to kiss me when we are both boys", he says sadly. I sigh heavily, "Come on, Ill show you what to do." I sit against the wall, "Alright, we will have to sit, we are both a little to tall stand up in here, so sit on my lap facing me." He straddles me, "Like this?" "Yea, you wont be like this with her of course, but this gives us the effect of standing in front of each other. "Ready?"


I am sitting on Jin's lap and my heart is racing and it feels like birds are flapping around in my stomach, why am I so nervous. "Where did you learn to kiss Jinnie?" "Beth Johnson used to trap me in the bathroom in the 3rd grade and make out with me. "Why did you never tell me?" "Because its embarrassing ." "Now shush, before I change my mind, now relax and you will put your hands on her hips, but for now put them on my shoulders since you are sitting higher than me." He places his hands on my hips, and pulls me toward him a bit more. He reaches to the back of my head and pulls my face closer to his, he placed his lips on mine and my head nearly exploded. His lips are so soft and he tastes so good, our mouths moved in rhythm with each other like we were born to do this. His hands grasped my hips a little harder and I my hands are in his hair, pulling him closer to me. I start to move my hips and I know he can feel my erection, because I can feel his. His hands make my hips move faster and I moan loudly into his mouth. That's when he pulled away, "Ah that's its, you got it, good job." He got up and climbed down the ladder. I sat there for a minute, looking at my boner and touching my lips. The way he made me feel was like nothing I have ever felt before. I laid in bed that night and masturbated thinking of Jin, the way his lips felt, the way I was grinding into him. I didn't get much sleep because I couldn't stop thinking of him. The next day was like any other, thank goodness there wasn't any awkwardness between us, I was at my locker when the girl who likes me came over to me. "Hi Taehyung", she cooed. "Hey, Erin how are you?" "I'm good, just waiting for my kiss." "Yea, about that." She grabbed my face and brought her lips to mine, our teeth hit, and it wasn't good at all. I pulled away and wiped my mouth, "Uh, well have a good day", and I walked away, leaving her standing there. "I hate you Taehyung", she screamed. Whatever, you are no Jinnie. Now the question is how do I tell my straight friend I am in love with him and always have been.


I cant stop thinking of that kiss, we just fit together, like a puzzle piece. It was so natural, unforced and he was just as in to it as I was. I wonder how his kiss went, I feel bad I lied to him about Beth Johnson in the 3rd grade, but I had to make him think I knew what the hell I was doing. I'm glad there isn't any awkwardness between us, but It makes me happy to know that Taehyung, my best friend, my first love, was also my first kiss. 


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