Senior Prom

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I am sitting in our tree house the next night, looking at the sun setting, thinking about Jin, he went with Emma to get his tux. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never ever love anyone like I do him, I am 19 years old and I have never dated and I have never kissed anyone romantically like I have him. Spin the bottle didn't count with the others, there was no feelings involved. Our moment in the closet was so amazing, I wanted to confess right then and there, but like Jin, the prospect of being step-brothers weighed heavy on my mind. I'm happy for my dad, I'm happy he is happy, but damn them for messing up my plans with Jin. I'm glad Jin talked his dad into not moving in, that would have been really hard for both of us. My dad doesn't know my feelings for Jin, I'm thinking maybe I better tell him, get some advice from him. I walked into the house and he was sitting at the table, "Dad, can we talk?" "Of course Tae Tae, what's on your mind?" " I am in love and I am not sure what to do about it." "What's stopping you from going after the person you love?" "A few things", just then my phone rang. "Oh hey, you're outside? Ok, Ill be right out." "Ugh, I have to go dad, that was my prom date, she says we have to go pick up our outfits." "We'll finish talking later."


After Taehyung left I picked my phone up and dialed my Jagiya's number, "Hello Joonie, Tae almost confessed to me about Jin, but he got pulled away to get his outfit for Prom." "I know wait till he finds out that we are chaperoning, Yoongi thought of everything." "Lets just hope Jin does his part and actually confesses, he may chicken out and it will all be for nothing." "Stubborn boys we have, we have put off our wedding for this long so that they could come together guilt free, I'm about to tell them myself, so that I can finally be with you, I'd like to be married before this baby is born." "Hahaha, I love you too Jagiya, so very much.


 Its finally prom night, I'm nervous as hell. I hate I am not going with Tae, but I am happy he is still going to be there, maybe he will dance with me. I am getting ready in my room when my dad comes in, "Jin you look so handsome, you make me so proud." "Ever since you were little you were always so cautious, protecting yourself from everything it seems." "You are going to be an adult soon, and for once I want to give you some advice and I hope you take it." "Seokjin, you have the biggest heart I have ever seen, please let your guard down and follow your heart, and allow yourself to love." "No more what if's, Love fully Baby, I don't want you to miss out on the best thing that could ever happen to you." "Do you hear me, Do you understand?" "Yes dad, I do." I hugged him tight. "We better get outside, Hobi and Taehyung are on their way, so that we can take pictures."


 We pull up to Jin's house and I step out of the car, I fix my tux and my dad straightens my tie. We hear the door open and my breathing stops, my heart stops, time stops, the world stops turning at the exact moment Jin steps out of the door and looks at me. He is fucking beautiful in his tux, with his hair off his forehead and his glasses on. He steps up to me and he is looking right into my soul, "Taehyung, you are breathtakingly beautiful." "No Jin, it's you, you are absolutely gorgeous." I want to just grab him and hug him and tell him I love him, but my dad snaps me out of my dream and said the girls just pulled up. All our parents were taking pictures once Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and his girlfriend showed up, the limo then came and we all piled in. The prom was great, we danced and had fun with everybody. Jin leaned over at one point and said "maybe you can save me a dance later." I blushed, "Id love that." I see my dad, and I see Jin's dad, coming in holding hands. "Jin, why are our parents here?" "WHAT", he said looking around. We got up and went over to them, "Wow, you two look amazing, but why are you here?" "They needed more chaperones for all these horny kids, so they asked for parent volunteers." "And here we are." "OK EVERYBODY, Its now time for the King and Queen to be announced", Jimin bellowed up on the stage. "Your Prom King is none other than... drum roll...Kim Seokjin." The place erupted into thunderous applause. I was happy for him, sad that I couldn't be up there with him, I'm sure Ava or someone will share that Title with him. My dad put his arm around me when he sees my reaction. "and this absolutely gorgeous King," "HEY", Yoongi yells from the crowd, everybody laughs. "Not as gorgeous as you Yoongs." "A gorgeous King, deserves his gorgeous queen or maybe King??"...Drum roll... "Jung Taehyung" My eyes went wide, and so were Jin's, "Go baby go", my dad said pushing me to go up. I walked up on stage not even being able to hear due to the cheering and clapping. "Jin, what's going on?"

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