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2 months later

    "Good morning baby, did you sleep good?" Jughead asks Betty, kissing her as she walks into the kitchen.
    "Yeah, actually. I've never slept better."
    "Awe, I'm glad. You were really cuddly last night."
    "Oh, I'm sorry."
    "No, I liked it."
    Betty smiles at him. "How did you sleep good?"
    Betty flinches, touching her stomach.
    "Woah, you okay?" Jughead asks, grabbing her arm gently.
    "Yeah, I just felt really sick for a second. I'm fine now." She smiles.
    Her eyes widen and she turns on her heel, speeding to the bathroom. Jughead follows her closely until she closes the bathroom door.
    "Betty, baby. Can you please let me in."
    The door opens a crack and he can hear her throwing up. He grabs a cloth and cleans the vomit out of her hair before holding it behind her back. He rubs her back gently as he stops throwing up. She grabs a piece of toilet paper, wiping her mouth. Jughead hugs her gently.
    "Sorry." She says, getting up and brushing her teeth.
    "For what? You only got sick. Which, sure, you've never gotten sick since we've been married but-"
    "Oh my God. I haven't been sick since we've been married."
    "That's fine, puke doesn't bother me." He chuckles.
    "No, I haven't been sick since we've been married."
    "What about it?"
    "I'll be right back, okay?" She says, kissing him.
    "Okay, where are you going?"
    "Just to the convenience store down the street. Do you need anything?"
    "No, I'm alright."
    When Betty gets back she's holding a small box in her hand. Jughead walks over to her and sees the box reading 'at-home pregnancy test'.
    "Betts, really? You think.." He smiles.
    "I'm going to go take it now, you wanna come?"
    "Yeah." He smiles. "Yeah, I'd love that."
    She takes the test and they wait for a few minutes before flipping over the test. Jughead looks over at her from the edge of the bathtub, where he's sitting.
    "Yeah? What does it say?"
    "We're gonna have a baby." She smiles.
    He smiles, lifting her up and hugging her. "Oh my God, really?"
    "Yes." She wraps her legs around his waist, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
    "I love you so much."
    "I love you too."

7 months later

    "Jughead Bettys in labour. Get back to Riverdale as soon as you can." Cheryl said into the phone.

    Jughead gets home the next day and Betty is on the couch holding a little baby. He speeds over to her and sits down next to her.
     "This is our baby?" He asks.
    "No, I just took someone's baby home with me." Betty smiles.
    "So, what's the name?"
    "It's a girl?" He smiles widely.
    "Wanna hold her?"
    He nods and Betty passes Bailey to Jughead. Bailey cries for a second before she is in Jughead's arms. She cuddles into his shoulder and he smiles at Betty.
    "She's stealing her mama's spot." Betty laughs, grabbing a receiving blanket and draping it under Bailey's head.
    "What's that for?"
    "If she spits up it won't really get on your shirt."
    Jughead grabs her hand and pulls her down for a kiss. "I am so proud of you."
    "Juggie, I'm going to go lay down, are you good with her?"
    "Yeah, you go rest."
    Betty went to her room and Cheryl walked out of the bathroom, sitting next to Jughead on the couch. She rests her head on Jughead's other shoulder and sighs.
    "Isn't she beautiful?" Cheryl asks.
    "Yeah, she gets that from Betty." He smiles.
    "I think she looks like Jellybean." Cheryl says, playing with Bailey's black hair.
    "Oh yeah, has anyone seen her?"
    "No, Betty would only let me visit until you got back. Even then I couldn't hold her."
    "Do you want to hold her?"
    "No, you deserve to hold your baby." They were silent for a minute before Cheryl spoke again. "How long has it been since you and Betty had sex?"
    "Why?" Jughead chuckles.
    "Well, Toni and I are thinking about doners and everything and I was just wondering."
    "Well, it really depends on the person. Betty and I haven't slept together in...probably six or seven months because she was exhausted and sick all the time. She also felt really bad about herself and I went going to force her. So, it really depends on how you're feeling."
    "Seven months?" Cheryl exclaims.
    Jughead nods.
    "Wow, that must have sucked."
    "Well, after being together for...almost two years now it's not like we slept together all the time."
    "I guess so."
    "So, you and Toni?"
    "Well, we don't want to have a baby for a few years, I mean, Betty was ready to be a mom even though she's nineteen. Toni and I aren't like that."
    "I think that's why you two are so compatible, you both enjoy doing things, Betty and I like just staying at home."
    Bailey starts to cry and jughead brings her down off of his shoulder and rested her in his arms.
    "I'm going to head to bed. If you want to stay overnight you can use the guest room."
    "Okay, thanks. I'll stay just to help you guys out with anything."
    "Thanks, we really appreciate it."
    Jughead lays down on his back next to Betty and last Bailey on his chest. He soon drifts off to sleep with Bailey sleeping on his chest, one hand cupped over Bettys and the other on Baileys back.

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