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Welcome! My name is Riley Idalia Lord but on here I’ll kinda go by Posbi. I am an 18 year old bisexual woman who got sick and tired of feeling excluded in my own community. So I created one!

As an account that is here to spread love, truth, and pride I do not have an extensive do-not-interact list. Only the basic bad people are on it: LGBTphobes, sexists, racists. This blog is made for any and all bisexuals and biromantics regardless of history, gender status, ethnicity, and whatever else. However, I will politely request people who use other multisexual spectrum identities to not interact to avoid post derailing. Thank you.

Both my ask box and post submission will always be open. Feel free to submit some cool content, ask me about my blog or myself, ask me for advice, or even just tell me how you’re doing today (sign off with something if you’d like me to keep up with you!).

Tags (#Tumblr | #Instagram)

These are the tags that I will be using to categorize my posts. This system has been put in place to make finding and avoiding certain posts easier. Please read all of this.

The L | PosbiTheL: this post is intended for lesbians to relate to and interact with.

The G | PosbiTheG: this post is intended for gays to relate to and interact with.

Venusian | PosbiVenusian: this post is intended for venusics/feminamorics to relate to and interact with.

Marsian | PosbiMarsian: this post is intended for marsics/viramorics to relate to and interact with.

StraightS | PosbiStraightS: this post is intended for straights to relate to and interact with.

Beyes | PosbiBeyes: this post is strictly intended for bi people to relate to but lesbians, gays, straights, and aroaces may interact to boost the post. If you do not need to interact with content made for bisexuals then you can block this tag.

Rated G Yearning | RatedGYearning: this post is the account owner feeling lonely in SFW words.

Rated R Yearning | RatedRYearning: this post is the account owner feeling lonely again but in NSFW words. BLOCK THIS TAG IF YOU ARE 15 YEARS OF AGE OR UNDER.

PosbiPoetry: this post is in the form of or contains poetry.

PosbiPersonal: this post is the account owner talking about something not LGBT related. Block this tag if you don’t care and just wanna stick to typical content.

Biscourse: this post contains talk of sensitive subjects. Block this tag if you would like a purely positive experience on my blog.

Posts with potentially triggering or unsavory content will also have standard trigger and content warning tags. Examples include: Suicide TW, CNC TW, Insect CW.

PS I know that Tumblr’s search system is complete and utter shit so if you have trouble, send me a DM or an ask and I’ll see what I can do to help. :)

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