The Truth

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When I had just woken up Astrid and Heather were both gone.
I was about to go back to sleep but heard a terrible screeching noise.
The doors burst open and Cloudwhisper huddled next to me, she was putting her forearms on her ears.
I gently pat her head when I took a glance outside, everyone was huddled up by the stables.
The noise sounded again, my hands immediately covered my ears, "What in the world?"
I rushed up to the stables and pushed through people. "What kind of Dragon is that!?"
I yelled because my ears were still ringing. "It's a baby Deathsong!" Astrid explained quickly.
I was about to ask what a Deathsong was when the dragon screeched again. "Can someone shut that thing up!?" Snotloud yelled furiously.
"We don't know how!" Astrid yelled back.
Hiccup looked between Snotloud and Astrid, "Stop arguing you two-" He was cut off when the Dragon made that horrible noise.
"Give me the Dragon" Heather ordered.
"You can have it! It almost ate Chicken!" The boy twin I think? Can't really tell them apart. Heather quickly took the baby Dragon and started singing softly.
The dragon looked up at her with big adorable eyes, reminded me of the first time I rode Cloudwhisper.

"Why are you singing to it?" Astrid asked curiously. "Oh, I know!"
Fishlegs smiled, "Since the Deathsong has a unique song they play to lure other dragons in, but they also use it to communicate! Without it, they wouldn't be able to call for help." Everyone blinked twice while Fishlegs blushed. "Exactly." Heather nodded, "now he's sleeping."
Snotloud got close to the baby, "Really?"

"Why don't you go check?" Tuffnut laughed while pushing Snotlout forward.
Heather just moved out of the way before he went crashing down.
The Dragon sneezed, then yawned. "Good one Snotloud!" Astrid threw her hands in the air, "Now you've woke him!" But the baby didn't make any noise just cuddled closer to Heather.
Everyone let out a huge breath, Cloudwhisper had to stand on hind legs, guess she wanted to see for herself. "Wanna go for a ride?" I whispered in her ear. Her pupils got big and she nodded excitedly.
I smiled and hopped on her back. "Wait! Where are you going?" Astrid asked me quietly.
I shrugged, "About." Without anything else to say, I lifted off the ground. We flew up to the clouds, I felt the moist wet cloud flying off my fingers. I laughed and looked down, "Cloudwhisper, I miss this. I miss when we could just get out of danger. When we just took rides like this."
She turned her head to look at me and tried purring at me.
I slightly smiled and stroked her head.
I sighed, "I guess you could say I'm starting to miss our old life. I know we can't leave, you might have a future there. With Toothless. I can't take that away from you, I owe so much to you. I don't know about me though."
It wasn't then until I realized we were heading for ships. "You know Cloudwhisper it's as if they can't leave us alone."
She made a growling noise as if agreeing with me.
"Let's get a closer look. Maybe they're not Dragon Hun- nope they are." I cut myself off when I saw chains, and cages with live dragons in them.
"We know what to do." Cloudwhisper tucked in her wings and dived. "Blast the ships!"
Her mouth opened at once, her purple fire hit one of the ships, as it started sinking slowly. Arrows were getting shot at us. We started rolling, while she was blasting. "Stop!"
I heard a voice command from the ship.
"Cloudwhisper stop," I whisper urgently.
She came to an immediate stop and looked at the ship, her purple fire awaiting to blast. "It's as if we can't get enough of each other." Viggo laughed.
I glared down, "No Viggo, you keep wanting for us to meet! Why are you sailing so close to the Edge!?"
He shrugged, "Don't you want to see your Godfather?" I stared at him in shock, "oh! You didn't know?"
Cloudwhisper probably sensed my shock and anger. Blasting the ship, and almost hitting Viggo. "Control that crazy dragon of yours!" My anger came back and I yelled to him, "She's NOT crazy! You may be my real Godfather but I don't see you as family! Your sick and evil! Just like my father. Stay away from me." At the end of my rant, I was whispering. "Let's go Cloudwhisper."
She made one last growling noise and flew away.

When I got back to the Edge the other Dragon Riders were waiting. "What happened!?" Hiccup asked urgently.
I crossed my arms, "Viggo."
I nodded, "He-He's my Godfather."
Astrid ran up to me and put her hand on my back, "I-I...I'm sorry." I just shrugged and started walking away.
I heard footsteps following me and I turned around.
"Y/n wait!" Hiccup called.
I turned around slowly, "Yes?" He put both of his hands on my shoulders, "Im sorry you had to find out that way."
I looked up, "Its not a surprise really. I-I just didn't expect Viggo. It's bad enough I come from an evil man, and now I learn that Viggo is my Godfather?"
Hiccup did the last thing I'd expect and hugged me. I come from a bad family too, well Dad anyway. I don't know what your going through right now, but we can get through this."
He pulled away as I shook my head, "No I can't stay. I'm going to put all of you in danger!"
"Don't think that. We've dealt with worse."
"You don't understand Hiccup! You haven't seen what my father has come up with! He's built huge cages, deadly arrows for you, and dragons! He even hurt dragons when they were caught! That wasn't even the worse part!"
Hiccup shook his head, "Then we'll just have to prepare. Learn new things! The Dragon Eye could even help! We're going to help you, I'll help you. You just have to let me."
I closed my eyes and breathed out, "Ok. But don't say I didn't warn you."

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