Chapter three - Sophie's POV

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Me and Biana we're having a blast, I'd already forgotten about the neverseen! Witch is saying something.

Not that Sandor was any help, all he did was complain that he wanted me to go back to my room to be safe. He was making me so embarrassed, when me and keefe were on our way to the leapmaster before we came he stopped us in our tracks and gave us a 15 minute lecture on how we shouldn't sneak away from him and that if we were going he would have to check with my parents and to be carful.

Honestly Sandor, we've been over to Fitz's house billions of times and no one has gotten hurt.

Anyway, after 30 minutes or so biana had finally convinced me to let her give me a makeover.

"Yay! Ok Sophie I'm gonna go grab you one of my favorite face masks and some nail polish, oh we are going to have so much fun!" Biana practically screamed, I was actually kinda excited, I'd never had a makeover and I was really happy to see biana so happy.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Fitz said from the door way, I jumped and let out a tiny screech.

"Ugh, you scared me!" I said playfully, Fitz smiled his movie star smile, butterflies started flying around my stomach. Why was he so cute?

"Sorry just came to see what you were doing." He said looking around. I expected keefe to make one of his jokes, but he didn't.

"Where's keefe?" I asked.

"Oh, he um, went somewhere." Fitz said shrugging his shoulders, then looking at me with worry in his eyes. " I get what you mean, he's acting weird, I was going to follow him but..."

"But what?" I asked, he wouldn't...

"Well I think he left because he was embarrassed or something because he started yelling at me, and it came out of nowhere."

"Ya he did the same thing to me." I said, as biana walked into the room with tons of supplies, and she must have asked Della to conjure up some more stuff because half a second later more stuff dropped on the bed. Maybe all of this wasn't necessary biana.

"Ok, we are READY! You ready Sophie?" Biana asked me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Ready for what?" Fitz asked.

"Ugh, Fitz, this is girl time, in other words none of your business! Go find keefe and go do boy stuff." Biana said, angry.

"Keefe isn't here." I said under my breath.

"Oh, well where did he go?" Biana asked, worry coating her eyes.

"I- I don't know." I said stumbling on my words. I just wanted keefe to come back, crack one of his jokes, and everything would be okay. But it's not ok. Nothing's ok. That's when my mind flooded with worries.







My heart started aching at his name but I wasn't sure why.

Keefe. Keefe. Keefe.

I needed to find keefe.

I stood up shakily, and stumbled, Fitz caught me and brought me back to Biana bed, I was breathing heavily, and I pushed Fitz away and got up again and failed.

"Sophie, it's ok, what's wrong? You need to lay down. Do you need Elwin? Mom!" Fitz shouted.

"No! No, I-I just need keefe, I need to make sure he's ok," I didn't know how to end the sentence, but I didn't have to. Della came rushing in the room, followed by Alden.

"What's wrong? Is someone hurt?" Della asked, worry all over her expression.

"Ya, Sophie's not taking the whole keefe thing very well." Fitz said.

"Keefe thing?" Della asked, confused.

"I'll tell you in a minute, but you need to help Sophie right now!" Fitz said, shouting this time.

My vision was getting blurry and I was so dizzy I needed to lay back down. My emotions seemed to cave in on me and clouded my mind, I couldn't think couldn't talk or move my body, not until I knew keefe was okay.

"Call Elwin," I heard someone say, I couldn't hear anything else, it was all muffled.

Keefe! My mind screamed, before I fell into darkness.

When I woke up, only Biana was there, on the other side of the room putting on some lip gloss.

I groaned, my head was pounding and I could barely keep my eyes opened.

Biana looked up and saw me clutch my head.

"Oh, Sophie! Here drink this!"

"Seditive?" I asked

"No," Biana said, shoving it down my throat.

"Oh, that's better." I said, relaxing a little bit more.

"What time is it? What happened? IS KEEFE HERE?!" I yelled remembering what happened before I blacked out.

"Woah slow down, you've been out for a long time it's about 7:00, everybody else has already gotten here so I guess we can't do the makeover today but, we're still going to have tons of fun!" Biana said excitement in her eyes.

"Ok, is keefe here?" I asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry Sophie, he isn't, and I also am not sure what happened, my dad said something about emotional overload but..." Biana said trialing off.

But it didn't matter, keefe wasn't here. Was he lost? Hurt?

"Well we have to find him." I said, it's all I can think about. And I'm not sure why.

"Don't worry we will, my dad is going to start looking for him if he's not here in an hour." Biana said, trying to calm me down. But nothing is going to calm me down until I find him.

"A lot can happen in an hour." I said, putting my head on my knees and curling into a ball.

"I know..." Biana said. "But, you said I could give you a makeover so, I'm hoping you'll keep your word. Maybe it'll get your mind off of keefe?" It wouldn't, but if it would make Biana happy...

"Ok, but only-"

"Nope! Your getting the full experience!"

Yay! I liked that chapter... kinda.

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I've actually done a few chapters of different books because I'm on a loooooong car ride so I have lot of time lol.

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See you next chapter!

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