Chapter four - Keefe's POV

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I slowly tip toed into the grand house, much grander, and more welcoming than mine.

I Went through the kitchen, which was a mistake.

There was mallomelt, on the the counter. Oh! I can't resist! I rush over to the mallowmelt, and cut a slice. I eat it with 1 minute, I get another slice. And another. And another! Before I know it, I'm stuffed. And most of the mallowmelt is gone.

Oh well, whoever Eadiline made it for us just going to have to live without it.

"Come on Grady, Verdi, will be fine, the one we really have to worry about is Sophie. Oh, I'm gonna miss her so much."

"Me too Eadiline, me too."

Oh no, Grady and Eadiline were here. I have to hide!

I ran over to a cabinet and tried to squeeze inside, but I didn't fit. Well, at least I tried.

I ran over to the closet behind the staircase and hide inside, I left the door a crack open because, I wanted to know what they were talking about.

"Oh Grady, do we have to go? Why can't the council just send someone else?" Eadiline said outing her face in her hands.

"Darling we have to, you know we're the only people Sophie would want to do this-"

"Not really, you know how protective she can get."

"Well, we have to prove to her that we're strong, that she means the world to us, and that we would do anything for her." Wow. Bravo Grady, nice speech.

Eadiline started crying, with her hands still on her face, Grady wrapped his arm around her, and comforted her.

I've never seen my parents do that before. I've never even seen them cry!

"Shhh, the sooner we find Sophie's biological parents the better."

WHAT? They were looking for Sophie's biological parents?

I almost screamed, and figured I should probably get going, before I got myself caught.

I tip toed up the stairs, and entered Sophie's room. I tip toed to the door, and right as I was about to open it, I heard someone say something, from right by the door.

"One minute Grady!" Eadiline yelled down the stairs.

I looked around and slide underneath the bed. And boy was it uncomfortable.

Eadiline walked into the room, and up to the mirror.

A little girl popped up in the corner! Wait. Sophie had one of these mirrors and never told me?!

"Goodnight Vertina, so you know the plan?"

"I think so, the animals are going to go to another temporary field while your gone right? And all the body guards are going with you, so I need to keep a close eye on Sophie?"

"Correct." Eadiline said, smiling.

"Ok then good night, see you later! Oh wait! Your leaving a week from now right?"

"Yes, but me and Grady will be spending a lot of time with Sophie, so o probably won't see you to much, but I guess you might want a break from me anyways."

"Never." Vertina said smiling. They seemed to have a strong connection with each other.

"Good night" They said at the same time, and smiled at each mother once more, before Eadiline walked out.

"You know that I can see you right?" Vertina said.

I sighed and crawled out from under the bed and walked over to the mirror.

"Ya..." I said, defeated.

"Ya, well I won't tell anyone," I looked up with hopeful eyes " If you do a favor for me." She finished.

"Ugh, ya, whatever fine." I said, tripping up on my words. I was exhausted.

"Ok, then, what I need you to do, is keep Sophie away from the house, and her friend, Biana. I'm going to do a little surprise for them, and I don't want them messing it up. I also want you to check in with me every so often. Do we have a deal?" She asked. I didn't really have a choice, so I just nodded my head. I started walking out when she said, "meet me here, in 2 days! Ok?"

"Ok!" I yelled, I was done here, I was going to go... should I go back to Fitz's house? I mean I should probably should check in with them. And a sleepover sounds fun. But I'm just so exhausted. And after how I texted them, nobody probably wants me to show up.

I'll just go to my secret place.

I walked up the stairs, and when I got to the leapmaster I shouted the words, and right when the light was taking me away, Grady, opened the door, and gave me a death stare.

Yasss! I left you on a cliff hanger! That's just the best right?

And by the way, sorry if this chapter isn't spelled correctly or anything, I don't edit, so it might be like that. Just tell me if there's anything I need to fix.

Sorry this chapter is a little short, I didn't know what else to put in it, and after my little accident with the chapter deleting itself, I wasn't really pleased on having to write it again.

But anyways, remember to share! Comment! Vote! And follow me!

What should I do for my 10 followers special?

I can't wait forever, so I need some ideas! Plz comment about it! And whoever's idea I decide to use will get a shoutout and in the next chapter!

Thank you for reading!

See you next chapter!

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