Chapter 14

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It's been about a month since the New Years concert and ever since then it's been different. Every time the guys and I go out for pizza or bowling or something, a bunch of girls always go up to them and ask for their autograph, picture, hug, hair samples, if they could have their babies, some of them have even propose to them! I could really tell that the guys were starting to get famous and it was all really great and really overwhelming at the same time. But that wasn't the only thing that's been different. For about 2 weeks now, Ashton's been different, Every time I say something about wanting to do something in the future, like trying out new restaurants or just going to different places he just kinda nods and is really quiet but he's also been kinda clingy, he's been trying to spend as much time as possible with me, so I really don't know what's going on.

"Ready to go?" Ashton asked as I put my lunch and homework in my backpack.

"Yeah, I think so." I said following Ashton out the door to his car. Ashton had offered to drive me to school because again, he's trying to spend as much time as possible with me.

When we got to my school, all the popular kids were crowded around the entrance of the school, gossiping as usual. Ashton got out of the car with me.

"See you later," Ashton said wrapping his arms around me. "Have a good day."

"You too, by-" I was interrupted by some yelling.

"Hey it's the guy from that new band!" Some guy yelled and a bunch of girls started screaming.

"Bye." Ashton said kissing me and quickly got in the car and drove away before I could say anything. Everyone got silent when I walked past them but it wasn't a 'I hate you' silence, it was more of a 'act natural' silence.

"Hey Hazel!" Sasha said nicely walking up to me.

"What do you want now Sasha?" I snapped.

"Nothing! I was just saying hi, geez!"

"Why? You never talk to me."

"Uhh well do you think you help me meet Luke? Since your friends with him and all."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because, He's super hot and it would be cool if we could hook up." I laughed in her face.

"Luke would never go after a girl like you, He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met so keep dreaming!" I snapped.

"Fine, I'll just try and meet him myself!" She yelled.

"Sasha! Don't be so rude to her!" A girl with long, straight, dark brown hair said. She was a actually really pretty, way prettier then Sasha because she didn't cake on all of her makeup. Sasha wasn't actually that pretty to be honest. She's blond but not a nice blond, its bleached blond, almost white and it looks awful, its long and straight but they're just extensions and her real hair is super damaged and it's about up to her chin. She puts on so much makeup, draws on her eyebrows so weirdly and she's super skinny, not a nice kind of skinny but a sick kind of skinny, she looks like she starves herself which is actually really sad.

"Shut up Melissa!" Sasha snapped. "C'mon girls!" Sasha yelled and her and some other fake girls walked away. Melissa gave me an apologetic look and followed the other girls.

I kind of felt like I was getting more attention. Lots of girls started hanging out with me but I it's only just to get to the guys, so I kind of just ignored them.

The last bell rang and it was time to go home, It was Friday and I didn't have any plans with Ashton which is odd, but I'll just catch up on all of my shows. I walked out the entrance of the school and saw Ashton leaning up against the wall.

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