chapter 9

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The next day our dorm stayed in bed later than usual. It was Saturday and we were exhausted from the week's events. NEWT classes were keeping us fully occupied and although I was doing well, I remained anxious not to fall off track.

I was excited for the day ahead. We had planned to go to Hogsmeade to do some shopping and I had invited Luna to join us. Since we were in our sixth year, we no longer had to ask permission to go and we planned to take advantage of our new freedom.

Slowly, we all rose from bed and began to get ready. I chose a short black skater skirt with a long sleeved white shirt. I pulled my black sleeveless cropped jumper over my head and added some necklaces and a mini backpack. I pulled half my hair up, using my mother's ribbon to tie it out of my face. Finally I chose a long black coat to keep me warm from the slight chill.

I left my face makeup free but applied some lip balm. I sat on my bed as the rest of the girls got ready, taking time to choose their outfits.

Once we were finished we walked downstairs to the main doors and found Luna waiting for us.

She fell into step beside me as we began walking to the village.

"How was your week Luna?" I asked.

"It was okay. Just tiring you know. I asked Neville for help actually with my project. He really does know his stuff" she smiled as she spoke, "he's quite shy, it's cute."

I nodded at this and we discussed what species of boletus she had found until we reached the village.

Dakota took charge of our group, leading us into one of the small clothing shops and we headed to the girls section to browse.

Maisie pulled out multiple pairs of trousers to try on and Dakota followed her to give her opinion on which was best.

Evelyn disappeared to browse the men's t-shirts and I was left alone with Luna. We were standing in the bra area and she looked around warily, as if she was afraid she'd get lost in the large section.

She stood next to me as I looked at some plunge bras, debating if I should buy a new one to make up for my disappointing lack of cleavage.

"How do you know what type is good? Like what do all the words mean and what are the differences? I'm a little confused..." she said nervously, gesturing to the long rack next to us.

I looked at her, realising that she hadn't bought bras before. I smiled to myself as I thought she had probably been waiting to tell her father before buying female underwear.

Over the next five minutes, I walked her up and down the aisles, explaining each type of bra and what they were good for. I showed her what the sizing meant too.

"So which ones do you think you like?" I turned to face her, she looked worried.

"I think I want a t-shirt one and a bralette but I don't know my size."

"We can get an assistant to measure you?" I offered.

She looked panicked at this idea and leaned towards me to whisper, "I'm too scared, I haven't you know... I haven't mastered the transformation spell yet for breasts, they're not perfect and I'd feel weird about them saying something."

I paused as I scanned her worried expression. I felt sad for Luna, she was still figuring herself out and I realised buying bras wasn't as simple for her as it was for the rest of us. But I didn't want her to be left out, so I pondered hard for a suitable alternative.

"Do you want me to measure you? We can go do it in the changing rooms and that way you don't have to have a stranger do it."

She smiled widely at this idea, "thank you, that would really help."

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