chapter 76

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The Carnival Aesthetic


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A month later and my sixth year at Hogwarts was over.

We'd all gotten through our painful NEWT examinations and we were finally free of studying until our final year.

Things had returned to a happy normality after the incident with Penelope and Agatha. They'd been expelled no less than a week later, after everyone found out what they'd done they were happy to see them go.

And Cedric and I were better than ever. We'd spent countless hours in one another's company and many nights tucked away in his bedroom. He was the happiest he'd been all year and I was relieved everything had worked out.

Tomorrow we were all due to make the journey back to London, but we had tonight.

Dumbledore had organised a carnival on the school grounds as a going away celebration.

I tucked my wand into the pocket of my denim coat as we prepared to leave the dorm.

"There's a freaking ferris wheel, this is going to be epic!" Maisie spoke excitedly as she stared at the ground below from the window next to her bed. I went to join her, hovering over her shoulder to peek out at the celebration.

"It looks pretty cool, we'd better go though. The guys are probably waiting downstairs already."

She nodded and we removed ourselves from the window as Dakota and Evelyn did last mirror checks. We exited the dorm and joined the throng of students heading downstairs.

The boys smiled when we reached them and I was happy to have all my friends gathered. The Hufflepuff boys, Carlisle and the Gryffindors, including Hermione, Ron and Harry and of course Luna and Neville. Even Cho and Lisa, who were now dating, had decided to join us, along with their group of Ravenclaws.

Cedric took my hand and kissed the top of my head quickly, "you look really pretty."

I smiled up at him. "Thanks, so do you" I teased.

He grinned at me and we followed the rest of our large group towards the festivities. As we got closer, beyond the line of trees, the carnival came more clearly into view.

There were numerous rides, each with their own neon light spectacle; my attention was drawn particularly to the ferris wheel and carousel. There was also a large slide, multiple students were whizzing down it using large sacks.

I scanned around and observed all the food stands that were serving everything from hot dogs to cotton candy. It all looked delicious and my mouth watered from the sight.

Hundreds of multi-coloured lights were strung across the whole festival above the heads of the students, illuminating the grounds.

Meanwhile, the sun was just beginning to set, casting a stunning dusky pink and orange glow around the carnival, adding to the beautiful effect. It was perfect.

Members of the group quickly split off, eager to pack everything into the next few hours.

"What do you want to do first?" I glanced at Cedric.

"How about the ferris wheel?" He smiled.

"I'm down" I looked towards the remaining members of the group which turned out to just be Carlisle and Dean. "Are you guys coming on the ferris wheel with us?"

They exchanged glances and nodded eagerly, linking hands as we all made our way towards the contraption.

They'd revealed their relationship a few weeks ago and I was relieved that everyone had been happy for them. They could now share their love for each other openly and it warmed my heart to see all of my friends happy and free.

Once we reached the ferris wheel we only had to queue for a few minutes before we were let on. The boys sat in the seat in front of us and we took the one behind.

The safety pole came down around our bodies and secured itself with a soft click. The wheel began to move and I relaxed at its calming pace as we rose higher and higher above the rabble on the grass. There was a great view across the grounds and we could see the whole carnival, with the castle behind it.

I felt Cedric's hand rubbing circles on my thigh and turned my attention towards him.

"It's really pretty, I can't believe this view." I grinned.

He laughed lightly at my childlike enthusiasm, "yeah it's cool, Dumbledore is an awesome headmaster for doing all this."

"We're really lucky to have him I think." I admitted, recalling a week ago when I'd had tea in his office and he'd given me his personal book on the behaviour of wild phoenixes.

Cedric nodded and I leaned into his side, fitting perfectly against him.

He sighed contently, "I'm so excited for summer. My parents already made a bunch of plans for when you visit, they can't stop talking about it."

I smiled slightly. "Me too. Dad won't stop going on about you either, I bet I won't get a moment alone with you when you come visit us in Paris."

He smirked and leant his head down to me, pressing a light kiss on my lips. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you attention too."

I giggled and kissed him back, desperate to savour the moment together, high above everything.

Eventually we broke apart and continued to enjoy the view as the ride slowly came to an end.

I glanced around one last time, taking everything in, relishing it.

My eyes were drawn to a huddle on the other side of the carnival. There was a group of Slytherins and a Gryffindor standing near the cotton candy truck, chatting between themselves as they pointed up at the menu.

My attention fell upon a familiar white-blond head of hair amongst them.

Summer hadn't begun quite yet.
There was one last mission to complete.

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