chapter 30

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The next day, I was tidying my clothes that I'd scattered around after many panicked mornings of accidental oversleeping. They'd gotten pretty much strewn around our entire dorm and as I picked up a sock from on top of Maisie's bed canopy, I wondered how in the hell it had even gotten up there.

The other girls had gone to hang out by the lake at Carlisle's request, but I had declined the offer to attend to my long-overdue chores.

As I folded the last pair of trousers and put them away, I heard the pattering of feet from the corridor and turned to see Luna come running in.

She looked completely flustered, as if she'd been pacing around for the last few hours trying to catch troublesome wrackspurts. It was an unusual demeanour for the typically serene witch, and so I knew immediately that something was up.

"Luna, are you okay?" I flicked my wand briefly, tucking in all the drawers I'd had open and locking my trunk securely.

"Not exactly. I'm freaking out slightly..." she chewed her lip nervously and I wondered what could have gotten her so worried.

Even her hair seemed to be standing on edge, tiny wisps darting out as if she'd been tugging at it before she arrived. Now that I thought about it, I'd never seen her like this, not even during exam season.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Nothing is wrong as such, but Neville asked me on a date tonight and I have no idea what to wear or how to act or anything. I've never been on one. I need your help!" She threw her arms up in the air, the same gesture I'd seen people use in movies when they were stuck on stranded island and a helicopter flew overhead.

I wanted to laugh at her frantic expression, but I didn't think that would make her feel better so I bit my cheek to stop myself.

So Neville had finally asked her on a date, it was about time after all. He'd only been pining after her for almost two months and from what I'd seen, they spent more time around one another than I did with my own father.

"Of course I'll help you, it's going to be great don't worry. Now let's go to your room and see the damage." I encouraged, she nodded in relief, leading me out of our dorm into hers as she practically skipped along.

It was a complete copycat of our room, apart from the decorations and photos. Her trunk was flung open and clothing had been thrown absolutely everywhere in her blind panic. It looked like a disaster zone and I realised she really needed a second opinion on her outfit choice more than anything else.

"So what are you guys going to do on this date?" I asked as I sat down on the only bed not covered in clothes.

"He wants to keep most of it a surprise so I'm not exactly sure, but he said that we'd be going to dinner." She shifted from foot to foot nervously, "anyway, which of these do you think would be better?"

She held up two options for the evening. They were both dresses, but one was a deep red that ended above the knee and the other was purple and a little longer.

Luna was definitely developing her own sense of style now that she could freely shop in the girls section, without having to hide her purchases from her father. It was touching to see, she even wore the boots I'd made her almost daily.

I pointed at the purple one in her hand, confident with my choice, "definitely this one, it'll go nice with your skin tone."

She seemed satisfied with the encouragement, nodding and beginning to change as I looked through her makeup supplies.

After she was in the dress she sat on her bed and I began to get to work. I kept the makeup light, I didn't think Neville was the type to care about that kind of thing so much and Luna was already pretty enough.

I finished quickly and moved onto her hair. I pulled it into two French braids, smoothing the frantic flyaways as I worked and when I was done I stepped back, nodding in approval as it helped frame her face well.

She began trying accessories and I admired all the different earrings she had, asking her where she'd gotten certain quirkier items from.

Finally, she was finished, and she went to look herself over properly in the mirror.

"Do you think I look okay?" She glanced at me through the reflection and I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her slender shoulder.

"You look perfect, Neville is going to be blown away," I smiled. It was true, she looked amazing and I had no doubt they'd have fun tonight. I said a mental prayer that everything would go smoothly on Neville's part, he seemed to have a knack for bad luck.

She smiled at me appreciatively and stepped away from the mirror, sitting down to calm herself.

"I'm so nervous you know. What if I say something embarrassing? What if he doesn't like me after this?" Her eyes skittered back and forth as she seemed to imagine every awful possibility in front of her.

"Luna he'd be nuts not to like you. You guys are friends right? He already knows you pretty well anyway so he's not going to hate you after this."

She nodded at my words and took a deep breath. She glanced at the clock and stood up, smoothing her skirt.

"It's time to go, but thanks Lila, you're the best."

I smiled and squeezed her hands, wishing her good luck as she ran out the door. I turned off the light in her room before leaving it and returning to my own.

I walked back to my bed and flopped onto it with a sigh. Everyone seemed to be pairing off, and although I was happy for them, part of me was envious too. I'd never properly dated anyone. The most experience I'd had was a quick kiss with our next door neighbour when I was 13, it had been rushed and slimy, not something I endeavoured to do again.

I thought about Blaise and wondered if I'd made a mistake. Perhaps I wouldn't get another offer again, at least if my track record was anything to go by, that seemed to be increasingly likely.

But my heart didn't seem to be in it when he'd asked me, it would've felt wrong to say yes when I knew I'd be doing it out of lonely panic rather than genuine interest.

I sighed to myself and grabbed one of my romance books, flipping it open to the beginning to read it again for the 5th time. Real men seemed to suck anyway, maybe it was better to stick to falling in love with fictional ones.

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