chapter 74

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Cedric showered quickly as I tidied his room. He'd tried to convince me not to do it but I'd insisted, wanting to help in some way after the week I'd caused.

I heard the shower turn off and quickly flicked my wand, floating the last of the books onto the desk. I surveyed the room, happy it was back to its usual condition. I'd even managed to revive the poor plant from its extinction, using a few of Luna's favourite herbology charms.

Cedric returned fully clothed and picked up his wand, drying his hair before running his hands through it.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded.

We linked hands and left his room, making our way downstairs.

We'd decided to seek out Penelope and confront her about what she'd done and why. She was the only person that really knew the truth of what had actually happened.

Cedric had been horrified to learn about the time she'd threatened me months ago, but I insisted that it hadn't seemed like a big deal at the time.

It turned out we didn't have to go far. When we stepped into the Hufflepuff common room Penelope's familiar blonde head was facing away from us on the sofa, bent over looking at something.

We exchanged looks before Cedric guided me in her direction, we came to a stop in front of her and I looked her up and down.

She was reading Beauty Charms and Magical Plastic Surgery. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and Cedric cleared his throat, making her look up.

Her eyes flickered over us, landing on our linked hands. The surprise was clear in her face but she quickly masked it with a sickly sweet smile.

"Hey Ced, I haven't seen you all week. Did you miss me?" Her tone was dripping with charm and I shuddered from the fakery of it.

"Cut the crap Penelope. We know what you did." Cedric's tone was harsh and I smiled slightly, it felt good we were on the same side again.

Her sweet expression fell quickly and morphed into an ugly snarl. She crossed her arms and glared in my direction.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly your... friend... has lied to you about something."

I felt Cedric's body tense next to me at her words. "She's my girlfriend actually and you'd do well to respect her before I throw a hex on you."

Penelope blinked from the shock of his words, not used to his cold treatment, but something sinister swirled behind her eyes.

"You could do a lot better than her Ced."

"You're not allowed to call me that anymore, don't make the mistake of thinking we're still friends after what you did."

"I didn't do anything!" She threw her arms up in frustration but Cedric's stony demeanour didn't change.

"We know you used polyjuice potion to make it look like I cheated."

Penelope smirked at me and flicked her blond hair over her shoulder. "Cedric babe, I think it's about time you tell that little slut what's really going on between us."

Cedric lunged forward but I beat him to it, placing a harsh slap across Penelope's smug face. The sound echoed throughout the room and I was grateful no one had been here to witness my outburst.

"OUCH! That hurt! You're such a psychopath, Agatha was right." Penelope rubbed her cheek and I was satisfied to see a red handprint across her face.

After my smugness dissipated, my brain caught up quickly with what she'd said.

"Agatha? You guys know each other?" I eyed her suspiciously.

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