chapter 62

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Evelyn, Max, Cedric and I walked along the winding path leading to Hogsmeade.

It was Saturday and we decided a shopping day was long overdue. Evelyn had her arm linked with mine whilst the boys walked a little way behind us.

"Do you think I should go to Nervana's and get my nails done?" Evelyn stretched our her free hand, inspecting her current manicure.

"Maybe wait until next week and I'll ask Luna to come with us? She hasn't tried having her nails done yet and she seemed excited when I mentioned it." I offered.

"Ooo that sounds like fun. Okay I'll wait, but I definitely have to go to Dervish and Banges, I need new strings for my violin."

"Sounds good, does Max need anything?" I asked, glancing at her boyfriend behind us.

"Yeah he mentioned something about broom wax so we'll have to drop by Spintwitches too." She rolled her eyes and I tried to suppress my giggle at her frustration.

We'd stepped into Spintwitches Sporting Needs once in our time at Hogwarts. Evelyn had refused to enter it again, after she insisted the level of male testosterone emanating from the shop was bad for our female psyche. I hadn't really understood what she meant, but agreed to avoid the place.

"The things you'll do for love eh?" I teased and she glared at me. I laughed at her frosty expression as we entered the village. She released my arm as the boys caught up with us.

"Okay we'll go get our bits and see you guys later? How about we meet at Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" Max said to Cedric.

I cringed slightly at the mention of Madam Puddifoot's, it was a notorious date spot for couples and most of us avoided it so as not to get overwhelmed by the ick factor. I glanced at Cedric and realised we were just like any of those couples now. It was strange to realise how I didn't mind when we were cheesy together.

"Sure thing, we'll see you around two?" Cedric replied as he took my hand.

Max nodded and we waved them off as they headed to the music shop.

"So where do you need to go?" I looked up at him.

"Well I need to stop by Honeydukes, Dobby already finished all the fizzy salted caramel snakes that you bought him."

"I sent him three bags!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled deeply. "What can I say? He's a greedy little elf, you should've seen him at Christmas. He finished off the whole Christmas pudding by himself. Dad didn't even get a look in."

"Poor Amos," I grinned.

"What about you? Where do you want to go babe?"

I was pleasantly surprised at his use of the endearing term but tried not to show its effect on me.

"The only place I really want to visit is Tomes and Scrolls, they have some new books in that I've been meaning to buy."

"Of course you do, my little Ravenclaw nerd." He poked my cheek playfully.

"Hey! Just because I read doesn't make me a nerd." I protested.

"True... but knowing all the theories on how the muggle Disney universes link is very nerdy."

"They all interconnect and you know it! I mean come on there's no way that Jane isn't Belle and the Beast's daughter. She literally has the teapot and cups." I insisted but he seemed amused by my determined expression.

"Sure sure, come on then, let's go to the sweet shop."

We walked in the direction of Honeydukes and Cedric held the door open for me to enter. I was relieved to find the shop fairly empty, it was always chaotic when the younger wizards and witches ran around with sugar fuelled brains.

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