He Unfollowed...

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(This is You btw)

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(This is You btw)

I wake up the next morning and felt Mattia's hands around my waist,I turned around and picked up my phone off the desk and saw a bunch of notifications from Instagram and checked that Ale posted on his Spam.

I wake up the next morning and felt Mattia's hands around my waist,I turned around and picked up my phone off the desk and saw a bunch of notifications from Instagram and checked that Ale posted on his Spam

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Alejonlyfans:Look at these two🥺🥰
@|Gabstherat & Polybioh

Gabstherat:Bruh I'm gonna smack you....Fucking rat🙃
Ig.Alvaro:Bruh....now we can't get Dunkin because of you dumb fuck🥺
Roshaunspams:Ugh I ship
Polybioh:Ong Imma smack you Alejandro😤
Kaispremium:😳 TikTokRoom
^Alejonlyfans:Don't be a snitch Kai
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I mentally roll my eyes then turn around to see Mattia looking at me,I hugged him and he laughed hugging me back.We eventually got up and got ready for school.



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