The Breakup

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I wake up the next morning and saw Mochi laying on her dog bed,I turned and looked at Kairi as he laid on his back sleeping peacefully.I put my hair in a bun and strattled Kairi's waist he slowly opened one eye and laughed putting his hands around my waist.

Kassidy:Goodmorning Kai
Kairi:C'monnn....We've got school today
Kassidy:Do I have to go?
Kairi:Pleaseeee......For me Lilo?
Kassidy:Fineee....go home and get ready I'll be over

I get off of Kairi and picked out an outfit for school and got dressed.


I moisturized my hair and put on my Apple Watch,I picked up my backpack,Phone,AirPods,and Mochi

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I moisturized my hair and put on my Apple Watch,I picked up my backpack,Phone,AirPods,and Mochi.I walked downstairs and ate some pancakes,the front door opens and I see the boys except Mattia and Alvaro.

Kairi:Hey hey
Ale:Hey hey Angel
Roshaun:Yo yo
Kassidy:Hey guys.....
Ale:Awe don't be bummed girly.....we know it's sad to be the only girl in our group other than I know you missed Victoria and Taylor soooo
Vic:Hey Kass
Tay:Hey hey
Kassidy:TAY VIC!!!
Mama:Mija I need to talk to you
Kassidy:Okay!!....I'll be back

I followed my mom outside I looked up at her and saw a sad look on her face,I hugged her tightly and she looked up at me.

Mama:Mija......I'm uh.....I'm selling the house and we're moving to Atlanta.....Just for the rest of the school year
Kassidy:Seriously?......But I've been here my whole life
Mama:I know.....but baby you've been through a lot and maybe this will help
You took a deep breath
Kassidy:Okay......I'll be home in a few hours
Mama:Everything will be packed by then

I walked back inside and hugged Kairi,I can tell that he was confused but he wrapped his arms around my waist any way,the boys huddled in along did taylor and Vic.

Kairi:What's wrong Angel?
Kassidy:Kai......After today I'm gonna have to move to Atlanta....I won't be here for senior year with you guys
Taylor:That's okay matter what we're here for you and long distance will work any way no matter how long that lasts
Robert:Yeah......Plus you can't leave us here forever with your little boyfriend
Kairi & Kass:We're not together *Laughs*
Ale:*Laughs* Sure you aren't

We all left and walked to school,As we were walking I took my vape from my backpack and placed it in my mouth puffing out my cheeks and taking it out of my mouth (AN:That sounds wrong😭) and blew out my puff of smoke.Once we got to school I walked to the student lounge and sat with the boys,we talked for a while since we had free period when we saw Mattia walk in with Cynthia.

Cynthia:Hi boys.....Kassidy
Kassidy:*Cough* Hoe
Vic:Just leave Dude
Robert:You hate us....
Roshuan:We annoy you
Kairi:We did a lot for you
Kassidy:It was my mistake for loving cheated on me with someone who happens to be your ex....that's fucking low Mattia....We're over....and I'm leaving
Kairi grabbed your hand lightly and twirled you around,he kissed you and the others cheered except Mattia and Cynthia
Kairi:Don't make me miss you too much Princess
Kassidy:I can't promise that Olaf
Kairi:Maybe not but I'll take my chances

Kairi wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder,the others looked and smiled lightly.

Mattia:What do you mean leaving.....
Kassidy:I'm moving to Atlanta I'll be spending senior year somewhere else
Mattia:W- what?...
Kairi:Don't act like you care all of a sudden like you didn't hurt Kassidy yesterday....and on our birthday
Kassidy:How long Mattia....
Mattia:W- what?
Kassidy:How long has that been happening
Mattia:a couple days after the party is when it started.....
Kassidy:Then we're even
Kairi:I Kissed Kassidy while you were feelings took over while we were at my house and things happened....
Mattia:You-.....No wonder you were acting so weird

I huffed and hugged Kairi,we all walked to class and I sat down in my seat next to Kai.I was a little bit cold because or Spanish teachers class is always cold Kairi noticied and gave me his white "I think I love you" Hoodie.

Kassidy:Kai (🥺)
Kai:Keep it looks cute on you anyway....I got us and just you something before you leave
He held one of my hands and grabbed 2 sets of things
Kai:This is a bond touch bracelet,we'll have a code the amount of times we tap it will mean'll make me feel closer to you Kass
Kassidy:I love it kai (🥺)
Kai:Then I got you this emerald necklace *Laughs*.....Ale bought those cross earrings for you,There's some more of my jackets and hoodies,and A necklace with your name on it
Kassidy:Kai you didn't-
Kai:I wanted to Kass *Laughs*
He kisses your cheek then you looked through the bag
Kassidy:Awe the beanie..... *Laughs* bought me those cute glasses everyone loves,my scrunchies I gave you,kai *Laughs*.....are those-
Kai:Our matching hoodies when we were like nine *Laughs*....yes


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