School day

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A couple days later I wake up with my alarm going off,I shut it off and got up from my bed.I
Walked into my closet and grabbed an outfit for today and grabbed my bag for Volleyball and soccer.



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I grabbed all my things and walked downstairs,I sat down at the kitchen island and ate breakfast and heard the front door open

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I grabbed all my things and walked downstairs,I sat down at the kitchen island and ate breakfast and heard the front door open.

Kairi:Morning Dev
Devyn:Hey Kai
Kairi:Wanna get Dunkin and buy donuts and Drinks?...I'll pay don't have to Kai
Kairi:Noooo come on I'm paying
You pet the top of Kairi's fluffy hair and walked outside

I felt Kairi's hands wrap around my waist as he picked me up and walked to the car,I sat in the drivers seat starting the car and Kai in the passengers seat grabbing the aux cord and played his Spotify playlist .

I felt Kairi's hands wrap around my waist as he picked me up and walked to the car,I sat in the drivers seat starting the car and Kai in the passengers seat grabbing the aux cord and played his Spotify playlist

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I'm fucking tired but me and Devyn are getting Dunkin 🥴

Devsdevotion:Thanks Kaiiii!!
Polybioh:Gimme my shorty bruh 😤🥺
^Kairisdeath:Calm down Arlo Dev and I will be at school in a few
Ig.Alvaro:Ugh you hoes forgot Roshaun and I
Unforgottenrob:I'm coming back to Jersey!!

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