A day with Kairi

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I wake up the next morning and looked around and saw a note beside me I picked it up and read it telling me that Mattia had to leave early since his dad was doing some stuff,I got up from my bed and looked in my mirror and saw Atleast not very many hickeys on my neck.Anyways I went to shower and got ready for the day and covered my hickeys with makeup.



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I parted my straight hair to the side and put on my glasses,Apple watch,bracelets,Earrings,and butterfly choker,Sprayed my perfume,and picked up my phone and AirPods then walked downstairs

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I parted my straight hair to the side and put on my glasses,Apple watch,bracelets,Earrings,and butterfly choker,Sprayed my perfume,and picked up my phone and AirPods then walked downstairs.I walked outside and locked the door,I walked to Kairi's house and opened the front door with my key.

Kairi's mom:KAI!!!.....Kassidy is here
Kairi:Hey Lilo
Kass:Hey Kai
Maiya:Please don't kiss *Laughs*...We're making cookies C'mon Kassidy!!

I walked into the kitchen with Maiya and we baked cookies,they were simply in the oven and Kai's mom was making milkshakes and Kai was playing GTA.

Kass:You're gonna play gta without me huh?
Kairi:Didn't want you to be mad when I beat you in this next heist
You whisper by his ear
Kass:We both know I'm the stronger player Olaf...
Kass:You love it *Laughs*
Maiya:Mommmmm....they're flirting
Kairi:Shut upppp Maiya!!
Kai's mom:The cookies are done
Kass:Thanks mommmm.....kairiiii

I walked into the kitchen with Maiya after the cookies cooled down and I picked up 4,2 for me and 2 for Kai.I walked Back into the living room and handed Kairi his plate,he looked up a little and held my hand as he examined my nails and rings.

Kairi:This color suits you Lilo
Kassidy:You should dye your hair...
Kairi:Only if you go with me
Kassidy:I'm down.....how about on our birthday
Kairi:Love that.....also wow these cookies are fluffy
Kassidy:Our secret ingredient.....the s'mores cookies we used to make when we were 8
Kairi:.....We always said it was love when really it was your soft hands when you mix things *Laughs*


Kairi was behind my and put my hair in a ponytail,My mom laughed at us as we tried the attempt of making cookies.I placed my hands in the doughy like mixture and sifted my hands through it,After a while my mom put the cookies in the oven and Kai and I sat on the couch.

Kai:The secret ingredient to the cookie was always-
Kai & Kass:Love!!!
Mom:Here kids!!

*End of flashback*

Kairi got up and leaned against the back of the couch,his face was kinda close to mine I slowly began to blush.His brown eyes looked into my hazel eyes as he kissed me lightly,he put one hand around my waist.

Maiya:Mommmmm....they're kissing!!!
Mom:Maiya leave those two alone

Kai's mom winked at me I giggled as I put my hands in Kairi's hair feeling how soft it was,he giggled since it felt nice knowing my hands were soft.

Kairi:What do you wanna do for our birthday this year?
Kassidy:I've been deciding....don't you have ideas?
Kairi:It's in your control Princess....I picked last year

I felt butterflies at the name Princess,usually I felt butterflies hearing it from Mattia but things changed.I can tell Kairi noticed and jumped off the couch walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Kairi:Did I give the Kassidy Montez butterflies hm?
Kassidy:N- no.....
Kairi:So.....if I stood this close to to you and say it again you won't have that look on your face that's really cute then?
Kairi:You look beautiful Princess (AN:Hmmm🙃)
You blushed and felt butterflies again
Kairi kissed your cheek and sat back down on the couch
Kairi:You felt butterflies again *Laughs*...
Kairi:You're cute
Kassidy:No uuuuuu......Wanna go get Dunkin?
Kairi:Let's go Princess

Kairi lightly grabbed my keys from my hand and ran out to my car and drove to Dunkin,we both got our usuals and went to the park.Kairi sat down on a bench while I twirled around the empty area of the park and did a random cheer routine.

Kairi sat down on a bench while I twirled around the empty area of the park and did a random cheer routine

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I missed hanging with my best friend at the park and watching anime 💫🖤

Lilomontez:Bestie 🥺🖤💫
Polybioh:So that's whyyyy you haven't been answering your phone all day!!!
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I say bye to Kairi after getting a call from my mom telling me she was coming home with Koda,I kissed Kairi's cheek and walked home.I walked into my room and put on shorts and a hoodie,I hear the front door open and I walk downstairs seeing my mom and Koda.

Kassidy:Hey Bubba *Laughs*
Mom:Awe *Laughs*.....what do you wanna do for your birthday Kass?
Kassidy:Idk......I can hangout at Mattia's....And go with the boys to hangout with Ayat and his friends at the mall or something
Mom:Okay!!!...Love you
Kassidy:Love you too

I picked up koda and walked upstairs into my room,I sat down in my gaming chair and put him in my lap as I turned on my Xbox,picked up my controller,and FaceTimed Mattia and Kairi.

Mattia:Hey Princesa
Kairi:Hey Bestie
Kassidy:Hey boys!
Koda:Besos (🥺)
Kassidy:Awe.....he said his first word in Spanish

I kissed Koda's forehead and played Apex for a while,the boys were playing GTA soon enough koda fell asleep laying on my stomach.My mom quietly came into my room and picked up koda closing the door behind her,Mattia had to leave since he had to do something so I was just with Kairi.After another hour I laid down in my head and decided to screen record Kairi and I,I decided to act like I was sleeping.

He took a bunch of FaceTime photos
Kairi:So cute.....

He sent a message:

He sent a message:

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